Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/291

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BUGIARDINI than 1358. Rumohr doubts, and Kugler de- nies, his existence. Vasari says he was the pupil of Andrea Tafi and represents him as a practical joker, who lived a merry life and died a beggar ; but that he was an excellent painter and able to outdo all others when he could be persuaded to work. He assigns many works to him, but it is doubtful if any examples remain. C. & C., Italy, i. 387 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., i. 499 ; Rumohr, Italien- ische Forschungen, 14. BUGIARDINI, GITJLIANO, born in Flor- ence, Jan. 29, 1475, died there, Feb. 16, 1554. Florentine school ; studied the an- tique in the garden of the Medici, where he became the friend of Michelangelo and fol- lowed him into the workshop of Ghirlandajo. Afterward was scholar of and assistant to Mariotto Albertinelli with Francia Bigio in Florence, and later was employed by Michel- angelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. His usual theme is the Madonna, sometimes with the youthful St. John, and sometimes with Saints. Among his works, which are usually signed Jul. Flor. (Florentinus), are: Birth of Christ, sacristy of Sta. Croce ; Weep- ing Madonna, Uffizi, Florence ; Martyrdom of St. Catherine, S. M. Novella, ib.; Ma- donna and Baptist, Leipsic Museum ; Na- tivity, Berlin Museum ; Marriage of St. IVL> FLO . FAC * Catherine, Bologna Gallery. C. <fe C., Italy, iii. 494 ; Vasari, ed. Mil, vi. 201 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole florentine ; Burckhardt, 638 ; Lttbke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 176. BUHLMEYER, KONRAD, born in Vi- enna, Aug. 18, 1835, died there in Nov., 1883. Landscape and animal painter, pu- pil of Vienna Academy ; studied then several years in Dilsseldorf, and later in Ziirich under Roller. Works : Wood-Path ; View near Luudenburg ; View in Salzburg ; View in the Ramsau ; On Gmunden Lake ; Driv- ing the Cattle to the Alp, Vienna Museum ; Animals Resting ; Driving Sheep Home ; The Ploughman ; Cows on the Water ; Pas- ture (1883). Miiller, 85. BULAND, JEAN EUGENE, born in Paris ; contemporary. Genre painter ; pupil of Cabauel and Yvon. Medal, 3d class, ! 1885. Works : Offering to God, Lycenion and Daphnis (1880); Annunciation, After Two Years' Absence (1881); Jesus with Martha and Mary, Singing Lesson (1882); Penniless (1883); Marriage innocent, Visit on the Day after Marriage (1884); Restitu- tion to the Virgin the Day after Marriage, Decorative Panel (1885). BULARCHUS, painter, early period. Pliny says (vii. 39 [126], xxxv. 34 [55]) that King Candaules of Lydia paid its weight in gold for a large picture by him representing his battle with the Magnetes. BULGARENI, BARTOLOMMEO, died in Siena in 1378. Sienese school ; called also Bolgharini, and by Vasari Bologhini. Pupil of Pietro Lorenzetti ; member of the su- preme council in 1362, and finally lay- brother in the hospital at Siena. Vasari says he painted many pictures in Siena, and in other parts of Italy, but none exist. Va- sari's portrait of Pietro was copied from Bulgaria's. C. <k C., Italy, ii. 172 ; Meyer, Kfinst Lex., iii. 60 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., i. 477. BUNCE, WILLIAM GEDNEY, born in Hartford, Conn., in 1842. Landscape painter; pupil of William Hart in New York, Andreas Achenbach in Ddsseldorf, and Clays in Brus- sels. Lived twelve years in Europe. Studio in New York. Works: Venice Night (1876); Venice Morning, La Luna Veneziana (1878) ; Approach to Venice, Paris Exposi- tion ; Twilight in Holland, T. B. Clarke, New York; Watch Hill Rhode Island (1880); Venetian Boats (1881) ; Satucket Hillside- New England, Among the Sails Venice, Bit of Harbour Venice (1882); Sun, Sails and Sea Venice, Day in May Venice (1883) ; On the Lagoon, San Giorgio (1884) ; Vene- tian Day, Venetian Night (1885). BUNEL, JACQUES, born at Blois, 1558, died in 1614. French school, pupil in Rome of Federigo Zucchero ; was court painter to Henry TV. ; with Dubreuil decorated the small Louvre Gallery, which was burnt in 119