Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/299

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CAESAR CJ2SAR, TRIUMPH OF, Manlcyna,' Hampton Court ; tempera on twilled linen ; 9 pictures, each 9 ft. sq. ; not properly car- toons, but intended to be stretched on frames and affixed to the wall as a frieze, in ' a continuous procession 81 ft. long, as now arranged. Represent a grand triumphal procession of Roman soldiers, captives, and spoils ; lastly Ciesar iu a splendid car, with a sceptre in his right hand and a palm branch in his left. Painted in 1485-92 for Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua, to decorate the palace of St. Sebastian. Bought 352, 355 ; Passavant, Kunstreise durch Eng- land (London, 1883), 189. CAESARS, TWELVE, Titian, originals lost (?). Twelve canvases, eleven by Titian and one by Giulio Romano, painted in 1537- 38 for Federico Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua. In Sula di Troja in Castle of Mantua till 1628, when sold by Vincenzo Gonzaga to Daniel Nys, who shipped them to England ; in collection of Charles I. till 1636, when presented to the Spanish ambassador in London ; further history lost Bernardino Campi made five copies in 1562, one of Death of Caesar, Camuccim, Palazzo Reals, Naples. in 1628 by Charles L, together with statues ] and other pictures, for .10,500, and placed in Hampton Court. Valued at 1000 iu ' 1651, but reserved by Cromwell and not sold, as often stated. They are now greatly dilapidated. Tapestries were wrought from ' { these designs. Three of the series are at Boughton, Duke of Buccleuch. Other sets | mentioned in the catalogue of effects of James H. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 404 ; Waa- gen, Art Treasures, ii. 410 ; Sainsbury, Orig. Papers, 321 ; Law, Hist. Cat. Hamp- ton Court, 256 ; Evelyn, Diary, June 9, 1662; Geo. Scharf, Hist, of Old London, which, formerly in Palazzo del Vasto d'Ava- los, is now iu the Naples Museum. Copies by Agostini Carracci were in Palace of Pnr- ma till 1734. Engraved by Sadeler. Va- sari, ed. Mil., vii. 442 ; Gave, Carteggio, ii. 264 ; Waagen, Treasures, ii. 313, iii. 443 ; C. & C., Titian, i. 420. CAGLIARI (Caliari), BENEDETTO, born in Verona in 1538 (?), died in 1598. Venetian school ; brother of Paolo Veronese, and his assistant in many of his works. After his brother's death he continued to paint, showing himself a faithful imitator of Paolo's manner, but he did not rise above