Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/303

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CALLET genius. The surname of the English Claude which has been given to him, and the large prices obtained for his landscapes since his death, as, for instance, 3,097 and 514 paid in 1863 at public sales, prove the esteem felt for his works, in which English scenery is treated with unaffected truth to nature. Callcott became an A.R.A. in 1800, and R.A. in 1810 ; he was knighted in 1837, and in 1844 he was appointed conservator of the school ; history and portrait painter ; ob- tained the first prize in 17fi4 for his Cleobis and Biton, now in the Kcole des Beaux Arts, and became member of the Academy in 1780. Painted many allegorical and mythological as well as modern historical subjects. Works : Winter or Saturnalia (1783), Spring or Worship of Juno Lucina (1791), Summer or Ftte of Ceres (1789), Autumn or F&te of Bacchus (1787), all in Calumny, Botticelli, Uffiii, Florence. royal pictures. The following pictures by him are in the National Gallery : Returning from Market (1834), Coast Scene, Landscape with Cattle, Wooden Bridge, Benighted Traveller, Old Pier at Littlehampton (1812), Entrance to Pisa from Leghorn (1833), Dutch Fer- ry (1834), View on Coast of Holland. Cat. Nat. Gal. ; Art Un- ion Journal, 1845 ; Art Journal (185C), 9 ; Ch. Blanc, Kcole anglaise ; Sandby, i. 334. CALLET, ANTOINE FRANQOIS, born in Paris, 1741, died there in 1823. French ' JWC. Louvre. Wiirzbach, Mai. d. xviii. J., 10; Villot, Cat. Louvre. CALLICLES, Greek painter, mentioned by Pliny (xxxv. 37 [114]) as having exe- cuted some small pictures. Perhaps same painter spoken of by Varro (Fragm., p. 236 Bip.). Brunn, ii. 260. CALLTPHON, painter, of Samos, date uncertain. Painted episodes of Trojan war on walls of Temple of Diana, Ephesus. Pausan. v. 19, 1 ; x. 26, 127 ; Brunn, ii. 56. CALLISTO. See Diana and Callisto. CALLOT, GEORGES, born in Paris; contemporary. History and portrait painter, m