Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/333

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CECILIA Grand Duke Cosmo HI., who presented it to the Grand-Treasurer of Poland ; bought in 1742 for 1,600 livres from collection of Prince Carignan, Paris. Engraved by P. A. Kilian. Gal. Koy. de Dresde, i. PL 43. By Domenichino, Louvre ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 3 in. x 3 ft 10 in. St. Cecilia, a little more than half-length, standing, singing to the accompaniment of a bass viol ; an angel be- fore her holds upon his head a book of mu- sic. Painted for Cardinal Ludovisi ; taken St. Cecilia, Domenichino, Louvre. to France by Sieur de Nogent, who sold it to Jabach, from whom it was bought by Louis XIV. Engraved by E. Picart ; J. Gottard ; Muller. Musee franc.ais, i. Part 4 : Filhol, v. 332 ; Landon, Vies, PI. 3 ; Vil- lot, Cat. Louvre. By Ouercino, Louvre ; canvas, H. 4 f t. x 3 ft. 3 in. Three quarters length, seated, playing an organ. Another St. Cecilia by Guercino, Dulwich Gallery, England. Vil- lot, Cat. Louvre. By Raphael, Bologna Gallery ; canvas, H. 7 ft 3 in. x 4 ft. 7 in. St. Cecilia, standing between SS. Paul and John, and SS. Au- gustine and Mary Magdalen, with musical instruments at her feet ; she holds in her hands an organ, the instrument of religious music, and listens with rapture to a choir of six angels singing in the heavens above. Ordered by Lorenzo Pucci, Cardinal of Santi Quattro, in 1513, but not finished until 1516-17, when it was placed in the chapel of St. Cecilia, in S. Giovanni in Monte, Bologna, which had been built by Cecilia Duglioli dell' Oglio, a kinswoman of the Cardinal's. Vasari says the musical in- struments in the picture were painted by Giovanni da Udine. Carried to Paris in 1796 ; transferred to canvas by Hacquin in 1803 ; returned to Italy in 1815, recleaned, and placed in the Gallery. Much damaged by repainting. Many copies : one, by Dio. Calvaert, in Dresden Gallery ; another, by Guido Reui, in S. Luigi de' Francesi, Rome. Engraved with variations by Marc Antonio. Engraved also by Bonasone (1531), Galli (1761), Strange (1771), David, Massard, Ro- saspina, Beisson, Bovinet, Gandolfi (1835), Pelee (1852), Lefebvre (1857), Landon. Vasari, ed. Mil., v. 349 ; Gruyer, Vierges de Raphael, iiL 583 ;. Pinac. di Bologna, PI. 1 ; Passavant, ii. 148 ; Landon, Musee, v. PL 33 ; Musee fran<;ais, i. ; Filhol, iii. PI. 193 ; Perkins, 174. By Sir Joshua Reynolds, Marquis of Lans- downe, Bowood. Mrs. Sheridan as St. Ce- cilia. Sir Joshua called this the best pict- ure he ever painted. Exhibited at Royal ! Academy in 1884. Waagen, Treasures, iii. 160. By Rubens, Berlin Gallery ; canvas, H. 5 ft, 7 in x 4 ft. 3 in. Helena Forman, the paint- er's second wife, as St. Cecilia, singing and playing on the harpsichord ; attended by four angels, one of whom is seated upon the back of a sphinx. Collection of Prince Carignan ; sold by Due de Tallard (1756) | for 20,050 florins. Engraved by Witdouc ; and, with only two angels, by Panneels ; Lommelin. Smith, ii. 106. By Ary tichejfer. Portrait of Mine. Viar- 8(31