Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/376

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CIRCUS By Giovanni Bellini, Castle Howard, Eng- land ; wood, figures one-third life-size ; sign- ed. Simeon stoops over the Child in the arms of St. Joseph ; the Virgin and a male and female saint look on. Painted probably before 1486 ; formerly in Orleans Gallery. Copy, probably by Catena, in Leuchtenberg Gallery, St. Petersburg ; another by Marco Belli in Museum of Kovigo ; a third at Gros- venor House, London ; a fourth in Palazzo Doria, Rome, and others in Pavia, Vienna, and Venice. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 148; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 416. By Luca Signorelli, National Gallery, Lon- don ; canvas, H. 8 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. ; signed. Altarpiece with ten figures, life-size ; in cen- tre, before altar apse, the priest, looking up- ward. In the angles of the semicircular picture are two circles with two prophets. " One of the most important pictures by this great master." Hamilton Palace sale (1882), 3,150. Waagen, Art Treasures, iii. 299 ; Cat. Ham. Pal. sale, 101; Richter, 48 ; Art Journal (1883), 43, 177. By Tintoretto, S. M. del Carmine, Venice. Euskin calls it a glorious Tintoret. Canotto says here Tintoretto imitated Andrea Schia- vone. Euskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 289 ; Zanotto, 435. By Tintoretto, Scuola di S. Eocco, Venice. The High Priest kneeling with Christ in his arms. " Next to the Adoration of the Magi, this picture is the most laboriously finished of the 56 colossal pictures by Tintoretto in the Scuola, and it is unquestionably the high- est existing type of the sublimity which may be thrown into the treatment of accessories of dress and decoration." Euskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 331. Subject treated also by Luca Signorelli, Vatican, Eome ; School of Eembrandt, Ber- lin Museum ; Willem de Poorter, Cassel Gal- lery; Marco Marziale, National Gallery, Lon- don ; Lodovico Cigoli, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg ; Luis de Carbajal, ib. CIECUS MAXIMUS, Jean Leon Gerime, Mrs. A. T. Stewart, New York. A chariot race in the Circus Maximus, Eome, in the later days of the empire. Six or seven four- horse chariotsare about to turn one of the metse or goals, behind which, on the spina, is seen the obelisk now in the Piazza del Popolo; in background, left, the Palace of the Caesars. Photogravure in Art Treasures of America. Art. Treas. of Amer., i. 24. CIVEECHIO, VLNCENZO, called H For- naso, bom at Crema before 1470, died after 1540. Lombard school ; pupil of Foppa, or of Bramantino the elder ; appears in 1493 as successor of Foppa, at Brescia, whence sometimes called Vincenzo Bresciano. Spent four years there in adorning the choir of the old cathedral, with now destroyed frescos.and was honoured with citizenship. About 1507 he returned to Crema, where he painted the SS. Sebastian Eocco and Christoforo (1515), in the Duomo, and (1526), fresco portraits of great citizens in the town-hall. His latest authentic picture is the Baptism of Christ, dated 1539, in the Tadiui collection, Louvre. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 68 ; Waagen, Treas- ures, iii. 200 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole milanaise ; Burckhardt, 608, 610 ; Calin, Notizie, ii. 205. CIVETTA. See files, Hem de. CLAASZ, PIETEE (Claesz van Haarlem), Dutch school, born at Steinfurt, Westphalia, about 1595 (?), died at Haarlem, buried Jan. 1, 1661. StiU-life painter, father of Claas Berchem ; first mentioned as settled at Haar- lem in 1617, when married. Works: Still- life (1644), National Museum, Amsterdam ; do. (3), Berlin Museum ; Others in Dresden (1624), Munich, Schleissheim, Schwerin, Cas- sel, and Bamberg Galleries, Wiirzburg Uni- versity, Amalienstift, Dessau ; nine (1627- 53, attributed to Pietro Candido), Palazzo | Mansi, Lucca ; one (1630), Fitzwilliam Mu- 1 seum, Cambridge. Academy (1882), xsii. 302, 353 ; Bode, Studien, 224 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1883), xxvii. 183 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xviii. 167. CLAEISSEN (Claessens), ANTONY, I born in Bruges about 1550, died there in 1613. Flemish school ; history painter ; son

of Pieter the elder, said to be pupil of Quen-