Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/398

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CONCERT Stirling, iii. 1450 ; Jameson, Madonna, 49 ; with his bow to a bar of music, concerning Curtis, 3. which another is questioning him ; a third in lery ; Piero di Cosimo, Uffizi, Florence Subject treated also by Giorgio Vasari, j tuning a lute, and the fourth, a child, holds Lucca Gallery ; Benozzo Gozzoli, Pisa Gal- a violin. Painted at Rome for Cardinal Lu- 1 dovisi ; sold by his nephew, Prince Ludovisi, to M. de Noguet, who took it to France ; passed, with Domenichino's St. Cecilia, through hands of Jabach, to Louis XIV. Burned with Cha- teau in 1870 ? Musee fran- yais, i. By Oiorgione, Pitti, Flor- ence ; canvas, H. 3 ft 6 in. X 4 ft. Figures half-length. An Augustinian monk sits at a harpsichord, with his fin- gers on the keys; he has just struck a chord, and turns to his companions, a clerk, bald, dressed in white and black, with a lute, and a young man in Spanish costume, with long hair, and cap with No simpler yet more effec- Concert, Michaelangelo da Caravaggio, Louvre, Paris. Girolamo Mazzuola, Parma Gallery ; Dosso white feathers. Dossi, Dresden Gallery ; Carlo Maratti, Vienna Museum ; Sassoferrato, Brera, Mi- tive picture than this is to be found among the masterpieces of the 16th century. Figures Ian ; Juan de Juanes, Granada Museum ; long thought to be portraits of Calvin, Antonio Palomino, ib. ; Agostino del Cas- Luther, and Melancthon. Bought in 17th tiUo, Cordova Cathedral ; Valdes Leal (2), Convent of La Merced, Seville ; Vincenzo Carducci, Fomento Museum, Madrid ; G. B. Tiepolo, ib. ; Tintoretto, Church of La Madonnetta, Genoa ; G. B. Paggi, Capuchin Church, ib. ; Rubens, Madrid Museum ; Pi- chon (Salon, 1868). CONCERT, Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 4 ft. X 5 ft. 7 in. Eight musicians, half-length, standing be- fore a desk, playing different instruments ; an organist, seated upon a stool, accompanies them. Filhol, iv. PI. 248 ; Landon, Musee, xii. PI. 70. By Domenichino, formerly at St. Cloud ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 10 in. x 5 ft. 5 in. Four century by Leopold of Tuscany from Paolo young men standing around a table, on del Sera. Copy in Palazzo Doria, Rome, which lie a guitar and music books ; one, j Engraved by Rossi. C. & C., N. Italy, ii richly dressed, holds a violin and points 144 ; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, i. PI. 5. Concert, Giorgione, Pitti, Florence.