Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/424

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COTSIERS water-colours than in oils. "With Crowe and others of the Norwich school he exer- cised a considerable influence on British art. His son, Miles Edmund Cotman (1811-1858), painted river and sea views, but was chiefly a teacher, and succeeded him at King's Col- lege. Redgrave ; F. de Conches, 188. COTSIERS. See Cossiers. COTTAGE DOOR, Thomas Gaines- borough, Grosvenor House, London ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 10 in. x 4 ft. 8 in. A cottage ma- tron, with an infant in her arms, and sev- eral older children around her, enjoying themselves in front of a rustic cabin in a j woody nook. Sold in 1786 to T. Harvey, of Catton, Norfolk ; in 1807 to Mr. Coppin, of Norwich, from whom bought by Sir John Leicester, Bart., at whose sale (1827) bought by Earl Grosvenor for 525. Engraved by Scott, in Britton. Etched (1832), by Ch. Koepping. Brock-Arnold, 74 ; Fulcher, 196 ; Waagen, Treasures, ii. 173. COUBERTIN, CHARLES DE, born in Paris, April 23, 1822. Genre painter, pupil of Picot ; subjects mostly from Italian life and history. L. of Honour, 1865. Works : Discovery of the LaocoOn in Rome in 1506 (1846); Incident of the Plague in Milan (1851), Laval Museum ; Pontifical Mass in Rome, Roman Cardinal Walking (1857) ; Ball Players in Coliseum (1859); Good Fri- day in Palermo ; View of the Forum, View of the Coliseum, Luxembourg Museum ; Pigeons on Square of San Marco (1861); Death of St. Stanislaus Kotska (1865); Miraculous Death of St. Jean de Dieu, Group at the Grandfather's (1879); Poet and Muse (1881); The First Partridge, Le- gend of the Via Appia (1882); Serenade at Vicenzo (1883). COUDER, ALEXANDRE, born in Paris, April 16, 1808, died there in 1878. Still- life painter, pupil of Gros, in whose studio he first painted a few genre pictures. Medal, 3d class, 1836. L. of Honour, 1853. Works : Return from the Fields, Bouquet of Wild Flowers (1874); do. and Interior (1876); Roses and Fruits (1877) ; Return from Mar- ket, Grapes, Wild Flowers (1878). MiiUer, 116. COUP DE PISTOLET (Pistol Shot), Philips Wouwerman, Buckingham Palace j London ; wood, H. 1 ft. 4 in. X 1 ft. 6 in. Before a sutler's tent is a group of cavalry, ac- companied by women, children, and dogs ; a trooper, on a white horse, is pledging a woman in a glass of liquor, while a trum- peter blows his trumpet, and another troop- er discharges his pistol. Engraved by W. Greatbach. COUR, JANUS LA, born at Ringkjo- bing, Jutland, Sept. 5, 1837. Landscape painter, pupil of Kiaerschon and of Copen- hagen Academy under Marstrand ; won a prize in 1861 ; went to Italy and Paris in 1865-67, to Switzerland and Italy in 1868-70. Medal, Copenhagen, 1871. Member of Copenhagen Academy in 1872. Works : Coast View at Helgenaers (1855); Views in the North Sea (1856); Early Summer Morn- ing (1861); Evening on Lake of Nemi (1871); Oakwood Border, two others, Copenhagen Gallery. Sigurd Miiller, 66 ; Weilbach, 121. COURANT, MAURICE, born at Havre, Nov. 8, 1847. Landscape and marine paint- er ; pupil of Meissonier, and studied nature on the south coast of France. Medal, 1870. Works : Fontaine du Pin near Antibes, Shore of Jouan Bay (1868); Entrance to Harbour of Antibes (1869) ; The great Plains around Poissy (1870); Pond in Winter (1872), Summer Morning (1874); Stormy Weather, Rising Tide (1875) ; Getting under Sail, Roche-aux-Mouettes (1878) ; Bark of God- debi (1881); Fishing Bark (1882). Meyer, Conv. Lex., xix. 177. COURBET, GUSTAVE, born at Omans, (Doubs), June 10, 1819, died at Tour de Peil, near Vevay, Jan. 1, 1878. Genre, landscape, and portrait painter. Sent to school at Be- sancon and then to study law at Paris in 1839. Attended several studios, but chiefly that of David d'Angers. Began at an early age to paint caricatures, especially of priests; but did not treat landscape until 1841 at 340