Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/454

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DAKLOUX Samuel (1775-1811) were landscape paint- ers. Redgrave ; Sandby, i. 314. DANLOUX, HENRI PIERRE, born in Paris, Feb. 24, 1753, died there, Jan. 3, 1809. Portrait and history painter, pupil of J. B. Lepicie and of Vien ; went early to Italy, and on return to Paris gained reputa- tion by pictures in style of Greuze. In 1791 went to London, where he remained until 1802, and painted portraits of many emi- nent persons. His portrait of Charles X. is in Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge ; that of Jacques Delille in the Versailles Museum. His Punishment of a Vestal (Salon, 1802) is referred to by his friend the poet Delille in his poem on Pity. Ch. Blanc, Ecole fran- yaise ; Bellier de la Chavignerie, i. 335. D ANN AT, WILLIAM T., born in New York in 1853. Figure painter, pupil of the Royal Academy, Munich, and of Mun- kacsy in Paris. Has painted in Munich, Florence, Spain, and in Paris. Medal : Paris, 3d class, 1883. Works: Bavarian Peasant (1878); Aragonese Contrabandist (1883); Castanet Dance, A Quartette (1884). DANSAERT, LEON (MARIE CON- STANT), born in Brussels, Oct. 2, 1830. Genre painter, pupil in Paris of Edouard Frere ; travelled in France, Germany, and Italy; lives at Ecouen. Paints especially 18th century scenes in rococo costume. Works : Auction in 18th Century, Les Porcherons (1868); Wedding Feast, Vive le Roi ! (1869); Before the Sale (1870); Cafe at End of 18th Century (1872); Before Meeting (1873); Af- fray in Tavern, Flower Market (1874) ; Read- ing the Contract (1877); Game at Dominos (1878); Crumbling World (1879); At the Bar- rier (1883). DANSE DES AMOURS, Camille Gorot, Charles A. Dana, New York ; canvas. A valley, with lake in background ; nymphs dancing in foreground ; at right, a wooded hill, with a Greek temple and figures. DANSE DU BATON (Staff Dance), Jean Leon Gerome. A girl, loosely robed, hold- ing a long staff in her hands, is dancing before a party of Arnauts, one of whom is playing a musical instrument. Painted in 1884. DANTAN, JOSEPH EDOUARD, born in Paris, Aug. 26, 1848. History painter, pupil of Pils and of H. Lehmann ; sou of Jean Pierre D., the sculptor. Studio in Paris. Medals : 3d class, 1874 ; 2d class, 1880. Works : Destruction of Pompeii (1869); The Trinity (1872), chapel of the Hospital in Brezen-on-the-Marne; Hercules at the Feet of Omphale, Monk carving a Crucifix (1874), NantesMuseum; The Quoit-Thrower (1875); The Nymph Salmacis and Hermaphroditus (1876); Christ calling Peter and Andrew (1877); Christ on the Cross, Church of Dom- browa, Poland ; Corner of a Studio (1880)., Luxembourg Museum ; The Model's Break- fast (1881); Corpus Christi Day (1882); Le Paradou, Interior at Villerville (1883); Moulding Shop, Turner's Shop (1884); Bur- ial of a Child (1885). DANTE, portrait, Giotto, Chapel of the Podesta or Bargello, Florence. The poet, then about twenty years of age, is represent- ed with Corso Donati, Brunetto Latini, and a fourth personage, standing behind Charles of Valois, in the lower part of a fresco of Paradise painted on each side of a window. This fresco, mentioned by Vasari as visible in 1550, in which the painter had embodied the transient peace imposed on the Floren- tines in 1301, by Cardinal Acquasparta in , the name of Pope Boniface VlLL., was white- washed when the palace was turned into a jail and the chapel into a storeroom. It thus remained degraded and forgotten until 1840, when, through the exertions of Messrs. Kirk- up, Wilde, and Bezzi, it was brought to light in an injured condition. The eye of the 370