Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/469

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DECAMPS during St. Bartholomew's Night (1850); Jane Shore, The Dauphin in Prison of the Temple (1852); Portraits of Duke of Or- leans and Princess Clementine (1831), Pa- lazzo Royal ; King and Queen of Belgium (1834) ; Mile, de Montpensier (1834), Pa- 'ecai/ne

lazzo Royal ; Lamartiue (1839). Biog. nat. de Belgique, iv. 8(50 ; Iimnerzeel, i. 169 ; Kramm, ii. 324 ; Larousse, vi. 209. DECAMPS, ALEXANDRE GABRIEL, Lorn in Paris, March 3, 1803, died at Fon- tainebleau, Aug. 22, 1860. History, land- scape, and genre painter ; pupil of Abel dePujol.David, and Ingres. He freed himself early from classical principles of style and imitation of the antique, and formed him- self through the study of Nature, and his name was soon counted with those of Ingres, Delacroix, and Delaroche as a leader of the modern romantic French school In 1827 he accompanied the marine painter Garneray to Greece, Constantinople, and Asia Minor, and conceived a lasting predilection for Oriental subjects, which he treated with consummate skill and power. Works : Sol- dier of the Vizier's Guard (1827); Turkish Patrol in Smyrna (1831), Turkish Execution (1839), Miraculous Draught of Fishes (1855), and others, Sir R "Wallace, London ; Turk- ish Children near a Fountain (1833); Body Guard on Road from Smyrna to Magnesia (1834, Maison sale, 1868, 80,000 fr.), Re- becca at Well (1848), Bertrand and Raton, Due d'Aumale, Chantilly ; Defeat of the Cimbri by Marius (1834), Fowls and Ducks, Cottier Collection ; Reading Firman at House of Village Agha, Women Bathing (1834), M. Forme ; Samson, Joseph sold by his Brethren (1839), Child playing with Lizard, The Ford, Dr. L. V6ron ; Finding of Moses (1837), Joseph Face ; Punishment of the Hooks, Village Street in Papal States (1839); Turkish Children coming out of School (1841, Lehon sale, Paris, 1861, 34,000 fr.); Towing Horses (1842), The Caravan, Louvre, Paris ; Siege of Clermont (1842); Life of Samson (9 designs, 1845); Turkish Srhool, Shepherd's Retuni, Sou- venir of Turkey in Asia (1846), Huntsman and Dogs at Fault, Fodor Museum, Amster- dam ; Heron, The Desert (1849) ; Turkish Cavalry crossing Ford, Flight into Egypt, Greek Pirates (1850); Rebecca and Eliezer (1851), Baron Royer ; Monkey Painter, Hunting with Falcon, Hunters at the Meet, late Due de Morny ; Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, Baron G. de Rothschild ; Turkish Coffee-House, Comte Lariboissiore ; Spaniards playing Cards, M Jules Delon ; Children playing with Turtle, Donkeys, M. Paturle ; Interior of Farm-House, Comte T. du ChAtel ; Farmyard, Baron Corvisart ; Turkish Children playing with Turtles, M. Cuvillier-Fleury ; Tow-Horses, M. Ravenaz ; Village in Italy, Tiger and Elephant, M. Gaillard pere ; Donkey and Learned Dogs, Beggar counting Receipts, M Albert ; Turk- ish Butcher, Italian Peasant, The Grand- mother, Ball Players, M. Gaillard fils ; Ken- nel, Interior of a Yard, Baron Michel ; Sou- venir of Turkey in Asia, Albanians, Gypsies, Turkish Coffee-House, Improviser, M. Henri Didier-Go6don ; Hunter in the Marsh, M. Bonnet ; Halt of Arab Cavalry, Dogs, Marquis of Harcourt ; Monkeys, Large Turkish Bazaar, Lord Henry Seymour ; Monkey Bakers, Monkey Pork-Butchers, M. Joseph Fau ; Interior of a Courtyard in Italy (Pillet sale, 1881, 36,800 fr.); Sunset at Fecamp (Everard sale, 1872, 18,000 fr.); Vil- lage Street (Dagnan sale, 1881, 16,300 fr.); Suburbs of Smyrna (Narischkiue sale, 1883, 36,100 fr.); Street of Italian Village (do., 48,000 fr). Works in United States : Niyht- 3S1