Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/487

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DfiTOUCHE varian Prisoners, Corcoran Gallery, Wash- ington. Gaz. des B. Arts (1874), ix. 419 ; L'Art (1875), ii. 49 ; (1878), xiv. 29 ; Clar- etie, Peintres, etc. (1884), iL 249 ; Montro- sier, Artistes modernes (Paris, 1883); Zeit- schr. f. b. K., xvi. 291. DfiTOUCHE, LAURENT DIDIER, born at Reims, July 29, 1815. History and genre painter, pupil of P. Delaroche and Robert- Fleury. Medal: 3d class, 1841. Works: Little Lover, Reims Museum ; Mother's Last Wish, St. Paul, Reims Cathedral ; Execution of Joan of Arc ; Raising of Lazarus (1843), Church of Fisines ; Colbert at Dunkirk ; Catherine de Medicis with Ruggieri ; Rabe- lais's Quarter of an Hour ; Remorse of Charles IX. (1854); Death of Coligny ; The Alchemist (1865); The Last Valois ; Blaise Pascal ; Jewish Jewel Merchant (1875). Vapereau. DETOUCHE, PAUL EMILE, called Des- touches, born at Dampierre (Seine-Infm- eure), Dec. 16, 1794, died in Paris in 1874. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of David, Guoriu, Gros, and Girodet. Med- als: 1st class, 1819, 1827. Chiefly noted for genre pictures, such as The Orphan Girl, Young Conscript, Wounded Student, Conva- lescing, Return to the Old House (1827). Other works : Joan of Arc at the Stake ; St. Elizabeth among the Poor ; Raising of Laza- rus, Cathedral of Vannes ; Christ on the Mount, St. Victor, Paris; Scheherazade, Cherbourg Museum; Expectation of Masked Ball, Departure for the City, Nantes Museum. Meyer, Gesch., 175. DETTI, CESARE, born in Rome ; con- temporary. Genre painter, pupil of Acad- emy of San Luca, Rome. Studio in Paris. Works : Sad Lover, R. G. Dun, New York ; The Duet, William Astor, New York ; Guard Room, R. C. Taft, Providence ; L' Amour, A. Adams, Watertown, Mass.; Gathering Flowers, W. B. Bement, Philadelphia ; Rest, Farewell (1877), Naples Exposition ; The Concert (1884); Arrival of the Newly Mar- ried (1885). DEUTSCH, NIKOLAUS. See Manuel. DEUTSCH, RUDOLF VON, born at Mos- cow, October 27, 1835. History and genre painter, pupil of Dresden Academy ; visited Italy in 1863-66, afterwards Belgium and England, and settled in Berlin in 1866. Work : Rape of Helen, National Gallery, Berlin. Illustr. Zeitg. (1881), i. 9. DEVENTER, JAN FREDERIK VAN, born hi Brussels, November 27, 1822. Land- scape painter, nephew and pupil in Ghent of H. van de Sande Bakhuyzeu. Member of Amsterdam Academy, 1852. Medal, The Hague, 1857. Works : Evening Landscajx) (1841); Dutch Coast View ; Wooded Land- cape with Mill ; Dutch Copse and Meadow ; River Landscape (1857). Immerzeel, L 179; Kramm, ii. 335. DEVtfRIA, EUGENE (FRANCOIS MA- RIE JOSEPH), born in Paris in 1805, died at Pau (Basses-Pyrenees), Feb. 15, 1865. History and portrait painter, brother of Achille D., pupil of Girodet ; came at once into prominence through his Birth of Henry IV. In 1836 he became Protestant pastor at Pau ; but in 1837 painted for the histori- cal Museum in Versailles, and ceilings in the Louvre, the Palais Royal, and Notre Dame do Lorette. Works : Nun defended by Grenadier ; Grenadier nursed by Nun ; Death of Joan of Arc, Angers Museum ; Birth of Henry IV. (1827), Louvre ; Battle of Marseilles, Conquest of Saverne (1837), Versailles Museum ; Unveiling of Statue of Henry IV. at Pau (1846); Death of Joanna Seymour (1847); The Four Henrys (1857); Halt of Spanish Merchants (1859); Recep- tion of Columbus by Ferdinand and Isa- bella (1861). Portraits of Marshals Brissac and Cr&vecoeur, Versailles Museum. Cli. Blanc, Artistes de mon Temps, 88 ; La- rousse, vi. 653 ; Lejeune, Guide, iii. 78 ; L'Art (1883), i., xxxii. 61, 121, 141, 161, 181; Meyer, Gesch., 282. DEVtiRIA, (JACQUES JEAN MARIE) ACHILLE, born in Paris, Feb. 6, 1810,