Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/514

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DOMINICK DOMINICK, ST., Titian, Palazzo Borghese, Home ; canvas, half-length, life-size. Stand- ing, pointing upward with right hand. C. & C., Titian, ii. 419. DONI (Dono, Adone), TJmbrian school, (1540-1572). Of Assisi, where he painted in the lower Church of S. Francesco the Le- gend of St. Stephen and other works. In Perugia he painted about 1550 the Last Judgment in S. Francesco ; Adoration of the Magi, in S. Pietro ; and Julius m restoring to Perugia its Municipal Government in the Hall of the Magistrates. An altarpiece by him in the Duomo, Gubbio. Lanzi, i. 349 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole ombrienne ; Burckhardt, 575. DONI, AGNOLO, portrait, Raphael, Pa- lazzo Pitti, Florence ; wood, H. 1 ft. 11 in.x 1 ft. 2 in. Half-length, seated near a balus- trade, on which rests his left arm ; black coat, red waistcoat, black cap, long hair fall- ing on neck. Painted in Florence in 1506 ; sold, together with the portrait of Maddalena Doni, in 182G, by their descendants, to Leo- pold II., Grand Duke of Tuscany, for 5,000 scudi. Engraved by Cappelli, by G. Repi, and in Rosini's History of Italian Painting. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 325 ; C. & C., Raphael, i. 266 ; Gotti, Gal. di Firenze, 182 ; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, iv. 92 ; Miintz, 201 ; Passavant, ii. 39 ; Springer, 85 ; Gruyer, Portraits, i. 97. DONI, MADDALENA (Strozzi), portrait, Raphael, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; wood, H. 1 ft. 11 in. x 1 ft. 2 in. Half-length, nearly full face, with hands crossed in lap ; dress red and blue, a gold collar and chain, and pear-shaped pearl pendant. Same history as above. Study in Louvre. Engraved by Delfini. Gal.du Pal. Pitti, iv. PI. 93; Mtintz, 141, 201 ; Springer, 60, 85 ; Gruyer, L 105, and ref. above. DONI, PAOLO. See Uccelli. DONNA GRAVIDA (Pregnant Woman), Raphael (?), Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; wood, H. 2 ft. 2 in. x 1 ft. 8 in. Half-length, in Florentine costume of 1500, wearing a cap, and a golden chain about her neck ; one hand, adorned with rings, resting in her lap, the other holding gloves. Passavant says painted about 1507. Engraved by G. Vitta. Muntz, 204 ; Springer, 499 ; Passavant, ii. 52. Donna Gravida, Raphael (?), Palazzo Pitti, Florence. DONNA VELATA (Veiled Lady), Raph- ael (?), attributed to Unknown, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 8 in. x 2 ft. A beautiful woman, half-length, seated, seen three-quarters face, turned to left; hair part- ed and put back behind ears, and head partly covered with a veil, which falls grace- fully on each side, enveloping right arm ; necklace of black stones ; dress, a white plaited chemise, a low bodice trimmed with gold, with white damask sleeve. Supposed portrait of Raphael's mistress, Margherita ; bears some resemblance to Madonna di San Sisto and to Fornarina in Palazzo Barberini. Passavant, Miinder, Springer, Ruland, and others, consider this a genuine Raphael ; Gruyer, Burekhardt, and Bode think it a Bolognese picture, perhaps after an original by Raphael. Brought to Pitti in 1824 from Villa of Poggio Reale. Engraved by L. Griiner; D. Chiossoue; W. Hollar, in reverse, from a copy. Vasari, ed. Mil, iv. 355 ; Miintz, 418