Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/87

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AMBERGER Music (I860) ; Servant Maid Smoking, Ser- vant Maid Drinking (18C3) ; Ophelia, The Widow's Comfort (1878) ; Heading Werther (1870), National Gallery, Berlin ; replica, Raczynski Gallery, ib. Meyer, Kiiust. Lex., L 599 ; Miiller, 12 ; Rosenberg, Berlin Ma- lersch., 71. AMBERGER, CH1USTOPH, born in Amberg, Ulm or Nuremberg, about 14'JO or 1500, died in Augsburg in 1561 or 1562. German school ; portrait painter, perhaps Madonna Enthroned, StRoch in a Landscape, Pinakothck, Munich ; Hieronyuius Sulczer (1542), Gotha Gallery ; Portrait of Old Man, Wurlitz Gallery; Portrait of Charles V. (1532), Sebastian Mfluster, Georg von Freundsberg, St Augustine, Berlin Museum; Duko Louis of Bavaria (1540), Martin Weiss (1544), Male and Female portrait (errone- ously called Thomas Morus and Wife), Male Bu8t-jM>rtrait, Vienna Museum ; do. (attrib- uted to Holbein), Uffizi, Florence ; Portrait Battle of the Amuoni, Rubnf, Munich Gallery. pupil of Hans Burgkmair, and one of the best masters of the sixteenth century. Received into Augsburg guild in 1530, and appears there until 15CO ; was in Italy about 1535. Works : Portraits of Win. Morz and Afra Rehm (1533), of Kounul Peutinger and Wife (1543), Maximilians Museum, Augsburg ; Altar with Madonna (1554), Cathedral, ib. ; Christ with the Wise and Foolish Virgins (1560), Transfiguration of Christ, St Ann's, ib.; Afra Rehm and Male Portrait (1533), Archeological Museum, Stuttgart; Trinity, of Charles V. (1532, attributed to Holbein), Siena Academy ; Matthaus Schwartz and Wife (1542), formerly in Baron von Frieacn'a Collection, Dresden. Allgem. d. Biog., L 390 ; Kunst-Chronik, ix. 190 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., i. 600 ; W. & W., il 452. AMBROGIO DA FOSSANO. See lior- ijofjnone. AMBROGIO DI LORENZO. See Lo- renzetli. AMBROGIO DA SIENNA See Loren-