Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/301

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HEYERDAIIL iam visiting the Wounded at Versailles ; Portraits of German Emperor, of Bismarck, Moltke, and General Steinmetz. Milllcr, 266; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersdi., 1SS. HEYERDAHL, HANS, born in Sweden ; contemporary. Genre painter, j>npil of Munich Academy and in Paris of Bounat ; now in Florence. Medal, Paris, 3d class, 1878. Works : Nymph talking to Magpie (1K80); Flower-Seller, "How Much?" (1881); Dead Child, The Visit (1882); Sleeping Nymph and Satyr, Girl lighting Fire (1883) ; Bather (1884) ; Norwegian Landscape, Young Girl (1HH.">). HEYMANS, ADRIEN JOSEPH, born in Antwerp, June 11, 1831). Landscape painter, pupil of Antwerp Academy at the age of fif- teen, but formed himself chiefly through study of nature and of the works of Corof, Millet, and Daubigny in Paris. In 18SO he exhibited about sixty of his pictures in Brussels, with great success. Works : Sun- set on Heath (1875), Ghent Museum ; He- turn of the Herd ; Moonrise ; Morning Mist by the Sea ; Three Marines ; Sunrise ; Snow Landscape with Birch Trees; Cows at Pas- ture ; Evening on the Scheldt ; Old Avenue of Bloemeschot ; Spring Morning in the Campine, Ghent Museum ; Swamp, Evening Landscape ; Snow-Storm. Miiller, '257. HEYN, AUGUST, born at Sophienau, Meiningen, Aug. 10, 1837. Genre painter, pupil of Munich Academy, and of Raupp and Defregger ; copied in the Munich and Dresden Galleries, visited Italy, South Ty- rol, Hesse, the Black Forest, and England. Works : Scenes from Children's World and Peasant Life ; To Her ! To Him ! ; Little Barber (1880). Mdller, 257. HICKEL, ANTON, bom at Bohmisch- Leipa, Bohemia, in 1745, died in Hamburg, Oct. 30, 1798. German school ; portrait painter, pupil of his brother Josef and of Vienna Academy ; went about 1777 to France, where he painted Marie Antoinette, then to London, where he made a name by his pict- ure of the House of Commons, containing ninety-six life-size portraits (1793-95), now in National Gallery, London (presented by Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria, 1885) ; Turk with Slave making Music, Schleissheim Gallery ; Portrait of Burgomaster Debary, Basle Museum. One of his best works is the portrait of the poet Klopstock. Allgem. Kunst-Chronik, i. 5(17 ; Wurzbach, ix. 2. HICKEL, JOSEF, born at Bohmiseli- Leipa in 173(i, died in Vienna, March 2N, 1807. Portrait painter, first instructed by his father, then pupil of Vienna Academy under Martin van Meytens ; went to Italy in 17(i8, painted the portraits of many nota- bilities in Milan, Parma, and Florence for the Empress Maria Theresa, and was made member of the Florence and, after his re- turn, of the Vienna Academv (177(1 1, and court-painter. More than three thousand of his works are known. Works : Portrait of Joseph II., City Hall. Vienna ; Empress Maria Theresa, King Ferdinand of Naples and Ojiccn ; Duke Albert, of Teschen and Archduchess Christine ; Emperor Leopold II.; Emperor Francis; Pope Pius VI.; Prince Kaunit/. ; General Baron Lascy ; So/ Prince Kinsky ; Elector Charles Theodore, Painter Winck, Augsburg ( lallery. Allgem. d. Biogr., xii. 3S5 ; Wur/.baeh, i. 3. HICKS, GEORGE EDGAR, born at Lymington, England, in 1824. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Bloomsbiiry School of Art in 1843, and of Royal Academy in 1844. Works: Lark at Heaven's Gate (1855) ; Dividend Day at the Bank (1850) ; Post-Office (I860) ; Before the Magistrates (1800); Reflected Smiles (18(i7) ; Utilizing Church Metal (1809) ; Black Monday (1871); Ruth the Moabitess (1874) ; Return from Gleaning (1870) ; Fisherman's Wife, Wood- man's Daughter (1877) ; Forget Me Not (1878) ; Cinderella (1883) ; Portraits (1884). HICKS, THOMAS, bom at Ncwtown, Penn., Oct. 18, 1823. Portrait painter, studied in Philadelphia and at the National Academy, later a pupil of Couture in Paris. 255