Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/79

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FKAST II ft. II in. x i'1'J ft. Chrml, Heate.l at the In ccntrn of n landwapc, in front of n dark corner of a lalile, pointx nut In Simnn, Healed .;reen curtain, the Virgin, enlhrom <l illi oppimitido him, Mary Ma; ;diilcn. who, Kind (he ('inM. i. il,..ul |., ),, downed I.-, two illK, IH wiping hiH fed with her hair, after an;;i I < , nn In r i edit. l'opc .lulm-i ||., uilli having anointed them; .ludiiH, ut, another prieHlH, kneeling ; mi her left, l,mpci'nr MM i talile, in rininc; and Mpcakin;; to < 'In i .1 , the nnlmn I., with liiiiidil-i; vnrmui mimlui. two lalilcH, Hpread in a eirculiir portico ,.l (In i,,i ,,,,,, (',,,,, : ,,,,, .,,, (., |, IMI | adorned with colnmnn, me tilled with the in.', mid all nrc In in;' crowned will, . ,, dmciplcH and otheiH ; Hpedntoi-i in I mien Iniid.inf I-OHCH liv the Vn^m, I| M Child, SI. IlieH ; above, tuo nn;'. h ill tllii air, licarili;; (Ionium ulioKlnnd-i In Innd tin Vu.'in II Hcroll. I'ainled alionf, 1570 7-'i l"i 'id'. . nnd liy an;;i l-i. In Imd, ;'i nund. nl iedil. lory of (!nnvent ..f the Seivil. :. '. me. . |n . me |)lir. r nnd In i lii.iel I 'n e|, lieinn i Hdited liy Itepnlilir of Venice in |r,i;.'i (,, mdn 1,'iin-; . It siin I lie I'll si picture allowed liy the j;ov l-rnineilt lo i f 'n nut of Vdie former lioldin;; m ne;.-i d>. .1 .

^H* fl f- m%m: territory. Kn.mivcd hy V. Iji'felivic. Kcldii. n. i. T2'., 7:!0 ; Uidnlli, MH rnv., ii. 'J'.l; l/midnn, MIIH. e, '2< Col . in. I'l. V.l ; Muid. hardl, 7 IS. My 1'anlii l'< ////...-.<, Turin Gallery ; cniivm, II Id ft.. 4 in. - I I ft. '> in. The ladle Hpreud m I lie |>nrhco of a IIOIIHII of I'lllHHic m <ln I. 'Inn from the lialcony of which aliovc I In ee women and a man look doun ; ad the ri.dil, end of the tll |,| ( , ^,_. . HitN ChriHt, partly in H!III.|. >^. S^Mft ..-'. / r"V 'i~-' /' ,^ ' ow, con venting with a fe- male . I in. In," I., id. him, wliiln Mary Ma.;daleu linointH llin fed ; the Inlild. I'ainted liy order of the (Imld of diwiplcM mid other jnieHln arc .'ronji. d fiermmi Merchant-t in Venice; j,m. |,n... d an m i id I lie till ile, .ludim occupy in;; a cent nil liy 1 1 in Kinpcror Kildolph II for In . IK . placd in front, next, to a column. I'ninlid at, l'm;nie ; Hold in 17^'J liy Kmpci or Jo -.. |,li Illiont I .M, carried to I'arm in I'. ' i .' Iml II.; llciniircd in li'i! liylhc I'rcmoimtratcn returned in IS|5. lormerly in l'ala/,/,o nian Al.lny of Hl.mliovv lit l'ra;;ue, whence Durum, Genoa ; wold for I OO.OOO frmicn liy removed iii ISH.'i lo I'MCMIC (Inllciy II i ' the MurijiiiH |)iira//,o lo Kinc; ( !hmleM Allii 1 1, injured and much over-] tain ted, ' "|'. v . who placed it in the gallery in IS!IH. Sketch with diaii.;cM, l/yomi Mn.,i nm ; do. Amlum III Sloiirhead HOIIHC, I'in.daiid. Kn^raved ('nllcdion, Vienna. Ku;der (Crowe), j. I5'.l, liy MMi Ih I!. ,.l. Gall, di Torino, iv. I'l. Kunnl.l.lafl ( ISf.J), 2dd; ThmiHinj; ( Kalon). i. 121 ; Kolihion. i. 7'^ii ; Hidolli, Marav., ii. iiS. :i(( ; dm. dcH Ii. Artw (ISKI ), xxiv. ;i7. FEA8T OF HOHK-GAJILANDH, Albrochl rKDDKItSKN, HANS I'KTKIt. l.nrn at, Diirvr, l'rn{rui! Gallery ; niguod, diitod lOOIi. WoHk'r - Sdinateliilll, SchlcHwi); - llnUtein,