Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/144

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SALAI SALAI (Salaino), ANDREA, born in Mil- an about 1483, died after 1520. Lombard school ; often confound- ed with Andrea Solari or Solario. Pupil of Leonardo da Vinci, of whom he was at once servant, assistant, and friend, accompanying him wherever he went. On Leonardo's death in France Salai returned to Italy. He left but few pictures, in the manner of Da Vinci : Madonna with Saints, Brera, Milan ; Christ bearing the Cross, Berlin Museum ; St. Anna, Leuchtenberg Gallery, St. Petersburg. Vasari, ed. Le Mon., vii. 28, 43 ; Lanzi, ii. 489 ; Burckhardt, G29, 708 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole milanaise ; Ltlbke, Gesch. ital. Mai., ii. 444. SALAMIS, BATTLE OF, Wilhelm von Kanlbach, Maximilianeum, Munich. Great naval victory, won by the Greeks under Themistocles over the fleet of Xerxes, B.C. 480, in the narrow channel between the island of Salamis and the coast of Attica. Xerxes, seated on a throne upon a head- land at left, surrounded by his women and courtiers, witnesses the overthrow and de- struction of his magnificent fleet, seen in the background ; in foreground, the shore, with a temple at right, and a confused mass of wreckage and of struggling figures ; above, the avenging gods of Greece in the sky. SALENTIN, HUBERT, born at Zuipich, Rhenish Prussia, Jan. 15, 1822. Genre and landscape painter, pu- pil of Diisseldorf Acad- emy under Schadow, Karl Sohn, and Tide- mand ; paints attractive and characteristic scenes from peasant life in Western Ger- many. Works: Her mit's Sermon ; Smith's Apprentice, Grand- mother's Birthday (1860); Bridal Procession of Playing Children ; Blind Boy, Besan9on Museum ; Village Church (1862), Diisseldorf Gallery ; Pilgrims at Mineral Spring (1866), Cologne Museum ; Sunday Afternoon Visit at the Shepherd's ; Messengers of Spring (1869), Prague Gallery ; Pilgrims at a Chap- el (1870), National Gallery, Berlin ; Children scouring a Kettle, Stettin Museum ; Come over ! (1872) ; Crown Prince in the Country (1873); Little Congratulators (1879); Found- ling, Shepherd Children (1880). Diosku- ren, 1860 ; Midler, 457 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., vi. 150. SALERNO, ANDREA DA. See Andrea. SALIMBENI, VENTURA, Cavaliere, born in Siena in 1557, died there in 1613. Sienese school ; son and pupil of Arcangi- olo Salimbeni, but studied care- fully the works of Correggio. Lived in Rome in 1585-90, and much employed there. On his return to Siena painted many pictures for churches ; worked also in Pisa, Lucca, and Perugia. Knighted in Perugia through influence of Cardinal Bevilacqua, who permitted him to bear his name. In 1605 painted with Poc- cetti frescos in SS. Annunziata, Florence, and afterward worked in Genoa with Agos- tino Tassi. Among his pictures are : Holy Family, Pitti ; Apparition of the Virgin, Uffizi ; Miracle of the Manna, Angels, Du- omo, Pisa ; Trinity, SS. Concezzione, Sie- na ; Christ bearing the Cross, S. Agostino, ib. ; Crucifixion, S. Domenico, ib. Vasari, ed. Le Mon., xi. 168 ; Lanzi, i. 313 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole florentine ; Burckhardt, 759. SALISBURY CATHEDRAL, John Con- stable, S. Kensington Museum ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 10 in. x 3 ft. 6 in. The Cathedral seen from the meadows, with a brook and four cows in foreground. Royal Academy, 1823. Painted for Bishop of Salisbury. A similar 104