Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/156

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SARTO drea the Faultless). His drawing is excel- lent, his modelling is always good, and his colouring has a freshness and a luminous transparency not found in any other painter of the Florentine school. His Madonnas are exquisite, some of them rivalling in love- liness even those of Raphael ; but their beauty is only a superficial beauty they want depth of soul ; and this is why Andrea occupies a lower place in the history of art than that to which his great powers would seem at first to entitle him. Among his best easel pictures are : Four Saints and Two charming Angels holding a Scroll, Florence Academy ; Annunciation (2), Dispute about the Trinity (1517), Madonna with Saints, Holy Family (2), History of Joseph, Madonna in Glory and Saints (1525), Assumption (2), Deposition, John Baptist, Palazzo Pitti, Flor- ence ; Madonna delle Arpie (1517), St. James and Children, Portrait probably of himself, Uffizi, Florence ; Charity, Holy Family (2), Louvre ; Holy Family and Saints, St. Barbara, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg ; Madonna and Saints, Berlin Muse- seum ; Marriage of St. Catherine, Madonna with Cherubs, Sacrifice of Abraham, Dres- den Gallery ; Tobias and Angel, Field, Vi- enna Museum ; Sacrifice of Abraham, Holy Family, Madonna (3), Assumption, Female Portrait, Madrid Museum ; Holy Family, Portrait of del Sarto, National Gallery, Lon- aly, 111. 542 ; Va- 63 ; ed. Le Mon., viii. 250 ; Dohme, lliii.; Ch. Blanc, . ficole florentine ; AM2J/1R.FLO-FAC Segnier, 213 629, 633, 659; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Mai., ii. 183 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1876), xiv. 465, et seq. SARTO, ANDREA DEL, portrait, An- drea del Sarto, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 4 in. x 1 ft. 10 in. ; signed. Another in Uffizi, Florence. Cat. Nat. Gal. SARZANA, IL, born in Sarzana in 1589, died in Genoa in 1669. Genoese school ; real name Domenico Fiasella ; was taught design by his father, a goldsmith of Sar- zana ; spent ten years in Rome studying Raphael and other great masters, and be- came so eminent that he won the praises of Guido, and was chosen to assist the Cava- liere d'Arpino and Passignano in their works. On his return to Genoa he painted many pictures for churches, and conducted a flourishing school Lanzi, iii. 257; Ch. Blanc, Jicole gcnoise ; Burckhardt, 768. SASKIA VAN ULENBURGH, portrait, Rembrandt, Berlin Museum ; wood, H. 2 ft. 4 in. x 1 ft. 11 in.; signed, dated 1643. Life-size, seated, with book in his hand. 1 364. Saskia van Ulenburgh, Rembrandt, Cassel Gallery. Rembrandt's first wife, to whom he was married, June 10, 1634. Bust, looking forward ; wearing a fur hat with a string of pearls around it, and a silk dress. Bode, Studien, 456, 563 ; Meyer, Museen, 116