Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/195

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SCHWAIGER SCHWAIGER, HANS, born at Neuhaus, Bohemia, in 1854. Genre painter, pupil of Vienna Academy and of Trenkwald ; paints in water-colours fairy and fantastic scenes with a burlesque humour. Works: Cycle of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ; do. of Pied Piper of Hameln ; The Water Sprite (1880). Zeitschr. f. b. K, xvi. 236. SCHWALBE, OEEST. See Kiprenski. SCHWARTZ, ALBERT GUSTAV, born in Berlin, July 6, 1833. Genre painter, pu- pil of Berlin Academy under Max Schmidt in landscape painting ; after a year and a half in Rome, went over to genre under Anton von Werner. Gold medal. Works : Broken Flowers (1874) ; Gypsy Woman (1875) ; Sweet Fruits, Slumber Song (1876). Mai- ler, 483. SCHWARTZ, FRANS, born in Copenha- gen, July 19, 1850. His- ,>^^ tory and genre painter, / pupil of Copenhagen Academy ; won the gold medal with his first pict- ure ; having travelled be- fore in foreign parts, vis- ited in 1878 Germany, Hollan d, Paris, North Italy, and Spain. Works : Job and his Friends ; In a Sick Room (1875); Christ healing the Sick (1876) ; Death of Jacob (1878). Sigurd Miiller, 309. SCHWARTZ, MARTIN, latter part of 15th century. German school. He was a Dominican monk in Rothenburg, and paint- ed in the manner of Zeitblom. Some of his pictures have been attributed to Schon- gauer. Works : Small altarpiece with Christ Crucified, etc., St. Sebastian pierced with Arrows, Vienna Museum (both ascribed to Schongauer) ; four Altar- Wings with Annun- ciation, Nativity, Adoration of the Magi, Death of Mary, St. Maurice's Chapel, Nurem- berg; Christ Crucified and Saints, Parish Church, Schwabach, near ib. Nagler, Mou., iv. 675 ; Schnaase, viii. 432. SCHWARTZ, WENCESLAUS, born in Kursk, Russia, in 1838. Genre painter, pupil of St. Petersburg Academy and of A. Lefevre in Paris. Member of St Pe- tersburg Academy in 1865. Works : Con- ference of Foreign Ambassadors with Rus- sian Boyars ; Muscovite Ambassador to a Foreign Court ; A Strelitz ; Czar's Pilgrim- age. Mailer, 483. SCHWARTZE, JOHAN GEORG, born at Amsterdam, Oct. 20, 1814, died there, Aug. 27, 1874. Historical, genre, and por- trait painter, pupil of Leutze in Philadel- phia, whither he went with his parents early in life, then studied at the DOsseldorf Acad- emy in 1838-44 under Schadow, Sohn, and Lessing ; took Rembrandt for his ideal. Member of Amsterdam Academy in 1844. Great gold medal, Amsterdam, 1860. Works : Woman in Prayer, Amsterdam Museum ; Columbus before the Junta at Salamanca ; Michelangelo by the Body of Vittoria Colonna (1854) ; Waiting, First Divine Service of the Puritans in Amer- ica (1858). Cotta's KunstbL (1848) ; D. Kunstbl., 1851, 1858 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 795. SCHWARTZE, THERESE, bora at Am- sterdam, Dec. 20, 1852. Genre painter, daughter and pupil of preceding, and pu- pil of Gabriel Max. Works : Girl's Head (1873), He is coming ! (1882), Three Or- phans of Amsterdam (1885), Amsterdam Museum. SCHWARZ, CHRISTOPH, bom near Ingoldstadt in 1550 (?), died in Munich about 1597. German school ; history and portrait painter, pupil in Munich of Mel- chior Bocksberger ; formed himself chiefly in Venice after Titian and Tintoretto, and after his return became court painter to Duke William I. of Bavaria. He painted many altarpieces for churches in Munich, Augsburg, Landshut, Ingoldstadt, and other places, which are marked by good composi- tion and vigorous colouring, but the heads are mostly without expression. He also showed considerable skill in decorating in fresco many houses in Munich. Works : Descent from the Cross, Aschaffenburg Gal- 155