Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/201

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SCOTT J. Leathart, Newcastle ; Peter the Hermit (1845), Charles Jenner, Portobello; Tri- umph of Love (1846), R Carfrae, Edin- burgh ; Queen Mary on the Scaffold (1847), Mrs. White, Netherurd (?); Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1848), Public Library, Con- cord, Mass.; Hope passing over the Sky of Adversity (1848), D. Nicolson, Edinburgh. W. B. Scott, Memoir (Edinburgh, 1850) ; Cunningham ; Redgrave ; Art Journal, ii. 120 ; Blackwood's Mag., cxxx. 589 ; John M. Gray, D. S. and his Works (Edinburgh and London, 1884). SCOTT, JULIAN, born at Johnson, La- moille County, Vt., Feb. 14, 1846. Historical genre painter ; served as a volunteer in Army of the Potomac in 1861-63 ; studied in schools of National Academy in 1863-64, and under the direction of Emanuel Leutze until 1868. Visited Paris in 1866. First ex- hibited in the National Academy in 1870 ; elected an A.N.A. in 1871. Studio in Plain- field, N. J. Works : Rear Guard at White Oak Swamp (Union League Club, New York), Gen. O. B. Wilcox in Libby Prison (1870) ; Near the Outposts (Judge J. R Brady), On Board the Hartford (1874), Loy- all Farragut ; Old Records (1875), William E. Dodge, New York ; Capture of Andre (1876), J. A. Harper, ib.; Reserves awaiting Orders (1877) ; Poke o' Moonshine, Medita- tion (1878) ; In the Cornfield at Antietam (1879) ; Hancock at the Battle of Williams- burg (Capt. J. S. Wharton), Bessie Scott (1880, Artist) ; Fishing Boats at Antium near Rome (1882) ; Outpost Duty, Rescue of the Colour-Bearer at the Battle of Proc- tor's Creek May 16, 1864 (1883); Art Stu- dent, Sortie at Petersburg in 1864 (1884) ; Game of Freeze-Out (1886). SCOTT, SAMUEL, born in London about 1710 (?), died there, Oct. 12, 1772. Best marine painter of his time in England, and, says Dallaway, the father of the modern school of painting in water-colours. A boon companion of Hogarth, and one of the jovial water party to Graveseud in 1732. His Old London Bridge (1745), and Old Westminster Bridge, are in the National Gallery, London. Walpole, Anecdotes (ed. Wornum), 709. SCOTT AND HIS DOGS, Sir Edwin Landseer, M'Grath, London. Sir Walter, seated with the favourite companions of hia walks, the deerhound Maida and his Dandy Dinmonts. Sometimes called from the local- ity the Rhymer's Glen picture. Royal Acad- emy, 1833 ; painted for Mr. Wells, of Red- leaf ; passed to Jacob Burnett, at whose sale (1876), for 3,202 10s. to Vincent Calma- dy (?); sold at Christie's (1886) for 2,047 10s. SCOTT AND HIS FRIENDS, Thomas Faed, private gallery, England. Sir Walter Scott, surrounded by his friends, in his library at Abbotsford. Among them are Henry Mackenzie, John Wilson, George Crabbe, Lockhart, William Wordsworth, Francis Jeffrey, Robert Ferguson, Thomas Moore, Dr. John Allen, Thomas Campbell, Sir David Wilkie, and Archibald Constable. Engraved by John Faed. SCRETA, KARL (Ritter Scotnowsky von Zaworzic), born in Prague about 1604, died there, 1674. German school ; history and portrait painter, imitated Guido Reni and Caravaggio, but kept free from mannerism, and was a correct draughtsman. During the Thirty Years' War he went to Italy, lived in Venice, Bologna, and Florence, and ' visited Rome with Wilhelm Bauer in 1(534. The Academy of Bologna offered him a pro- fessorship, but he returned to Prague, where he was employed by Ferdinand HI. Works : Altarpieces in all the principal churches of Prague ; Portraits and other pictures, Prague Gallery ; Male Portrait, Darmstadt Muse- um ; do., Gotha Museum ; Figures of Saints (8), Moses, Portrait of Bernard do Witte, prior of Malta (1651), Dresden Museum ; Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Old Man with Writing Tablet, Schleissheim Gallery. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 526 ; Nagler, xvi. 183. SCURI, ENRICO, born in Bergamo in 1806. History painter, pupil of Vienna Academy. Works : Hercules and Alcestis (1828) ; King Starus killing his Daughter (1830), Vienna Museum. 161