Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/203

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SEBASTIAN Gallery. Engraved by Ch. de Mechel ; J. H. Lips; W. Peare. Sketch at Christ Church, Oxford. Guiffrey, 252 ; Smith, iii. 16 ; Eastlake, Notes, 67. St. Sebastian, Anton van Dyck, Louvre, Palis. By Guercino, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; canvas, H. 5 f t. 3 in. x 5 f t. 6 in. St. Sebas- tian, nearly nude, kneeling on one knee, with eyes upraised, one hand on breast, in the other holds two arrows. Painted in 1652 for Cardinal Macchiavelli. Engraved by Giovanni Folo ; Pasqualini(1628); Bona- fede. Gal. du Pal. Pitti, ii. PI. 20 ; La- vice, 60. By Guido Keni, Bologna Gallery ; canvas, H. 7 ft. 2 in. x 4 ft. 2 in. The saint, nude, his hands tied behind to a tree, gazing up- wards. Sketch, far advanced. Formerly in sacristy of SS. Salvatore, Bologna. En- graved by G. Asioli. Similar picture in Madrid Museum ; engraved by Bartsch ; F. Gregori. Pinac. di Bologna, PI. 31 ; La- vice, 12. By Guido Reni, Dulwich Gallery, Eng- land ; H. 5 ft. 6 in. x 4 ft. 3 in. Life-size, nearly whole-length figure, with narrow white scarf round hips, hands behind back, tied to a tree, head raised ; to right, in dis- tance, four soldiers ; barren landscape ; dark sky. Said to have been formerly in Palazzo Barberini, Rome. By Guido Reni, Louvre ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 10 in. x 4 ft. 3 in. St. Sebastian, his arms tied behind to a tree and his body pierced with an arrow, turns his eyes towards heaven ; in the background, Roman soldiers leaving. Belonged to Cardinal Mazarin ; bought for Louis XTV. in 1670. Many copies and rep- etitions in manner of Guercino. Filhol, vi. PI. 467 ; Landon, Musce, xii. PI. 35 ; Vil- lot, Cat. Louvre. By Andrea Mante.gna, Vienna Museum ; wood, 2 ft. 1 in. x 11 in.; signed. The saint, pierced with arrows, in front of a round arch, with fragments of sculpture and two marble figures of boys on parti-coloured floor. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 387 ; Mdndler, 137. St. Sebastian, Guido Reni, Louvie, Pans. By Antonio Pollajuolo, National Gallery, London ; wood, H. 9 ft. 7 in. x 6 ft 6 in. The saint, bound on high to a tree, is shot at by archers ; background, a landscape with horsemen. Painted in 1475 for An- tonio Pucci, for family chapel in SS. Annun- 163