Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/208

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SEIFFERT 1768. German school ; portrait painter, in the style of Denner ; became court painter to the Empress Maria Theresa in 1749. Works : Portrait of himself, Louvre ; do., Bamberg Gallery ; do., Gotha Museum ; do. (1759), Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; do., Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Por- traits of Two Girls, Museum, ib. ; Portraits of a Youth a Girl. Man ; Old Woman, of himself, Dresden Gallery ; Bust of Old Man, Christiania Gallery ; do. of Old Lady, Male portrait, Stuttgart Museum. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 564. SEIFFERT, KARL (FREEDRICH), born at Grilneberg, Silesia, Sept. 6, 1809. Land- scape painter, pupil of Berlin Academy and of Biermann. Made sketching tours in Switzerland and Tyrol, and in Italy and Sic- ily in 1846-47. Settled in Berlin. Assisted Pape in Decoration of the Berlin New Mu- seum. Works : Cefalu in Sicily (1850) ; Lake Nemi (1851) ; Gravedona on Lake Como (1859) ; Blue Grotto in Capri (I860), National Gallery, Berlin ; Strait of Messina (1863). Jordan (1885), ii. 217. SEISENEGGER, JACOB, born in Aus- tria in 1505, died at Linz in 1567. History and portrait painter, who may in some re- spects be considered as the founder of mod- ern painting in Austria. In 1530 he painted Charles V. at Augsburg, in 1532 at Bologna, and in 1531 became court painter to Ferdi- nand I., whom, in 1532, he followed to Vi- enna, and in 1550 to Augsburg. Between 1535 and 1545 he visited Spain and Bel- gium, and twice the court of Charles V. ; settled in Linz about 1558. Works : Two portraits of Charles V. (1532, 1550), Vienna Museum ; portraits of Ferdinand I, Queen Anna, Philip of Spain, Ferdinand of Tyrol, Philippine, Welser, two bust portraits of Charles V., Ambras Collection, Vienna ; Male portrait (1568), Weimar Museum. W. & W., ii. 507; Zeitschr. f. b. K, x. 153. SEITZ, ALEXANDER MAXIMILIAN, born in Munich in 1811. History and genre painter, pupil of Cornelius in Munich. Went to Rome in 1835. Works: Joseph sold by his Brethren (1829) ; Madonna En- throned ; St. Catharine of Alexandria ; Ma- ter Amabilis ; Christ blessing Little Chil- dren ; St. Joseph and the Infant Christ ; Christ with the Wise and Foolish Virgins, and Return of the Prodigal, Santa Trinita de' Monti, Rome ; genre pictures of Roman life. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 804. SEITZ, ANTON, born at Roth, near Nu- remberg, in 1830. Genre painter, pupil of Friedrich Wagner and Reindel in Nurem- berg, and in 1853-63 of Fluggen in Munich, where he settled. Gold Medal in 1869. Works : Policeman and Country Girl (1856) ; Miser (1860) ; Garret Studies (1862) ; Peas- ants and Quack; Alchemist; Music Rehears- al ; King of the Shooters (1874, D. W. Pow- ers, Rochester, N. Y.) ; Market Scenes ; Pho- tographer in the Country ; Wayfarers (1881), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Rustic Letter- Writer, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; A Good Friend (1883). Regnet, ii. 262. SEITZ, LTJDWIG, born in Rome in 1843. History painter, son and pupil of Alexander Max Seitz, having first studied under Cornelius and Overbeck ; imitates the old Italian masters, for the reproduction of whose style he shows considerable talent. Work : Deluge. Seubert, iii. 296 ; Mtiller, 487. SEITZ, OTTO, born in Munich, Sept. 3. 1846. History painter, pupil of Piloty. Medals in Vienna, and in Philadelphia (1876). Works : Murder of Rizzio (1869) ; Loose Leaves Dead Love (1871) ; Happy Hours (1873) ; Faun and Nymph (1875) ; Neptune (1876); Edward IV. 's Sons; Pro- metheus Bound. Seubert, iii. 296 ; Miiller, 487. SELL, CHRISTIAN, born in Altona, Aug. 14, 1831. History and genre painter, pupil of his father and in 1851-56 of Diis- seldorf Academy under Hildebrand and Schadow ; accompanied German army in the 168