Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/212

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SEVILLA lingen (1855); Defence of Tournay in 1581 ; Visitation of Mary (1862) ; Ballot among the Gypsies ; Battle of Vucht, Palace of Justice, Ghent ; Cavalry Attack. Miiller, 488. SEVILLA ROMERO T ESCALANTE, JUAN DE, born in Granada in 1627, died there, Aug. 23, 1695. Spanish school ; pu- pil of Pedro de Moya, from whom he learned the style of Van Dyck. Painted chiefly religious compositions, and had con- siderable local reputation. Work : Dead Christ and Saints, Dresden Gallery. Cean Bermudez ; Stirling, iii. 1134 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole espagnole. SEYBOLD, GEORG VON, born at Schro- benhausen, Bavaria, March 20, 1832. Genre painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Kaulbach, and of Couture in Paris. Works : Vedette in the Russian Campaign (1859) ; Prisoners escorted by Cossacks (1860) ; Sol- dier of 17th Century ; Hunter of 16th Cen- tury. In fresco : a picture in National Muse- um, Munich. Miiller, 489. SHADOW OF DEATH, William Holman Hunt, Manchester Art Gallery ; canvas. Christ, as the carpenter, engaged in Joseph's workshop, is standing upright, at the close of the day's labour, wearily stretching out his arms, which form the shadow of the cross on the wall behind him a prevision of the Crucifixion ; on the ground, at his feet, Mary, kneeling before a coffer in which are the gifts of the kings, is gazing intently on the ominous shadow. Finished in 1873, after three years' labour. Engraved by F. Stacpoole. Art Journal (1874), 15 ; Athe- nseum, Jan., 1873, 23 ; Nov. 1873, 702. SHAKESPEARE AND HIS CONTEM- PORARIES, John Faed, Corcoran Gallery, Washington ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 5 in. x 5 ft. 7 in. Group of statesmen and authors of the time gathered around Shakespeare, the cen- tral figure, in the Mermaid Tavern, Friday Street, London. Engraved by James Faed. Photogravure in Art Treasures of America. Art Treasures of America, i. 7 ; Corcoran Gal. Cat. SHAPLEIGH, FRANK HENRY, born in Boston, Mass., March 7, 1842. Landscape painter, pupil in Paris of Lambinet. Studio in Boston ; summer studio in Crawford Notch, White Mountains. Works : Venice, A. F. Hervey, Boston ; Yosemite Valley, H. C. Bacon, San Francisco ; Mirror Lake, Da- vid Dudley Field, New York ; The Northern Peaks, T. A. Chapman, Milwaukee ; The White Mountains, G. B. Prescott, New York ; Fort Marion St. Augustine, W. G. War- den, Philadelphia ; Fort at Matanzas Flor- ida, H. G. Lapham, New York ; Old Mill in Seabrook N. H., G. H. Wright, Boston. SHARPLES (Sharpless), JAMES, born in England in 1751, died in New York, Feb. 26, 1811. Of a Roman Catholic family, he was educated in France for the priesthood ; studied art in London under George Rom- ney (?), married, and sailed for America in 1794 with his wife and three children, but was taken by the French, carried into Brest, and imprisoned several months. On his liberation he again embarked, and reached New York in safety. Travelling in a four- wheeled carriage with one horse he visited the principal cities and towns of the United States to paint the portraits of notable per- sons, of which he made a large collection. Though he worked some in oils most of these were executed in pastels. A hundred and thirty-four of the latter are preserved in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, but few of his oil pictures are extant. Two portraits of Washington and one of Mrs. Washington, painted from life about 1796 and taken soon after to England, have lately been brought to this country for sale. Sharpies re- turned to New York in 1809. His wife and daughter Rolinda were both painters of portraits. Mrs. Sharpies exhibited pastels of Gen. Washington and Dr. Priestley (now in the National Portrait Gallery) at the Roy- al Academy in 1807. She worked at Bath and Bristol, England, and left all her prop- erty to found an art institution in the latter city, where she died in March, 1849. Ro- linda, who exhibited at the Academy in 172