Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/224

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SICIOLANTE pupil of Berlin Academy tinder Julius Schra- der ; won a prize in 1864, and studied in Rome two years, and in Paris one year. Studio in Berlin. Works : Philip the Gen- erous at his "Wife's Tomb (1864), Darmstadt Gallery; Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's Dreams (1864) ; Arrest of Don Carlos by Philip II.; Scene from Life of Mary Stuart ; Francesca da Rimini (187G) ; Cardinal de Guise in Rome. Miiller, 489. SICIOLANTE. See Girolamo da Ser- moneta. SIDDONS, MRS., portrait, Thomas Gains- borough, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 1 in. x 3 ft. 3 in. Half-length, seated ; in a striped blue and white dress and buff shawl, with black hat and feathers, and holding in her left hand a brown muff. Painted iu 1784 ; purchased in 1862 from Major Mair, husband of the actress's grand- daughter. Cat. Nat. Gal. ; Eng. Painters of Georgian Era, 14. By Sir Thomas Lawrence, National Gal- lery, London ; canvas, H. 8 ft. 2 in. x by 4 ft. 8^ in. Full-length, turning over with her left hand a leaf of an open volume of "Paradise Lost," on a table beside her. Presented by Mrs. Fitz-Hugh in 1843. En- graved by W. Say (1810). SIDDONS AS THE TRAGIC MUSE, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Grosvenor House, Lon- don ; canvas, life-size. The Queen of Trag- edy, full-length, sitting upon a throne rest- ing on clouds, apparently brooding over deeds of horror ; behind her stand two fig- ures, one with a bowl, the other with a dag- ger types of secret and open violence. Painted in 1784 ; bought by M. de Caloune for 800 guineas ; at his sale (1795) passed to W. Smith, M.P., for 700 ; sold to Watson Taylor for 900, and bought at his sale (1822) by first Marquis of Westminster for 1,760 guineas. Replica at Langley Park, Stowe ; another in Dulwich Gallery, painted, according to Northcote, by Score, one of Sir Joshua's journeymen ; others in Lord Nor- manton's gallery and in possession of Mrs. Combe, Edinburgh. Engraved by Hay ward (1787). Leslie and Taylor, Life, ii. 420 ; Art Journal (1860), 358 ; Waagen, Art Treas- ures, ii. 172. SIEBERT, ADOLF, born at Halberstadt in 1806, died in Rome in 1832. History painter, pupil of Wach in Berlin, where he won the Academy prize in 1830, and went to Rome. He was a deaf mute. Works : Ju- piter and Mercury with Philemon and Bau- cis (1830) ; St. Luke painting the Madonna Siddons as the Tragic Muse, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Grosvenor House, London. (1831), Schloss Bellevue, Berlin ; Dredalua and Icarus; Farewell of Tobias. Cotta's Kunstbl. 1829-34 ; Raczynski, i. 59 ; iii. 68. SIEGERT, AUGUST, born at Neuwied, March 5, 1820, died in Diisseldorf, Oct. 13, 1883. Genre painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Hildebrandt and Schadow in 1835-46. Visited Antwerp, Paris, Hol- land, and Munich ; settled in Diisseldorf in 1851, where he became teacher at the Acad- emy, and in 1872 professor. Medal in Vi- enna. Member of Amsterdam Academy. Works: Luther at Assembly of Worms ISO