Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/234

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SIRANI SIRANI, GIOVANNI ANDREA, born in Bologna, Sept. 4, 1G10, died there, May 21, 1670. Bolognese school ; pupil of Ca- vedone, then of Gui- do, with whom he remained until his master's death (1642). Sirani'ssuc- -^ ,, cess in finishing ^W~ " some of Guide's r works brought him numerous commis- sions. His early pictures are in Guide's sec- ond manner, but he afterwards adopted a stronger style, somewhat like that of Cara- vaggio. Works chiefly in Bologna, in the Gallery and in churches. Among them are : Crucifixion, S. Benedetto, Bologna ; Concep- tion of Virgin, Bologna Gallery ; Magdalen, Supper at the House of the Pharisee (1652), Church of the Cemetery, Bologna. His three daughters, Anna, Barbara, and Elisa- betta, were all painters, but only Elisabetta acquired reputation. Malvasia, ii. 386, 408; Lanzi, iii. 99 ; Ch. Blanc, lOcole bolonaise. SKARBINA, FRANZ ; contemporary. Genre painter. Settled in Berlin, where he is instructor at the Academy. Adherent of naturalism, which is too often marked by a lack of artistic feeling. Works : Ceremonial Visit ; Citizen Card-Players ; Before the Hotel ; Studies in Strategy ; Frederick the Great taking a Walk (1878) ; Awakening in a Dissecting-Room (1878) ; Exchange of Soul ; Sunset. Miiller, 493 ; Leixuer, Mod. K, ii. 2 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 282 ; D. Rundschau, ix. 476 ; xiii. 337 ; xvii. 312. SKOVGAARD, PETER KRISTIAN, born at Hammerhus, near Ringsted, Zealand, April 4, 1817, died in Copenhagen, April 13, 1875. Landscape painter, pupil of Copen- hagen Academy in 1831 ; was at first a house painter, devoting his leisure to landscape. Visited Rome and Naples in 1854 and in 1869. Member of Copenhagen Academy in 1864, and professor. Medals : Copenha- , :;- ^,, gen, 1845 and 1846. Works : Moonlight (1836); Summer Afternoon on Inland Lake ; Twilight in a Wood ; Forest Lake ; View of Fred- eriksvaerk (1839), Oak Tree near Jae- gerspriis (1843), Creek near Dron- ningemollen (1844), View of Skarrit Lake, Sunny Day in Deer Park (1848), Highway by Castle Vognserup (1849), Summer Day in Deer Park (1875), Pond of Molledammen, Northern Coast of Zealand (1860), Female Portrait (1860), Copenhagen Gallery. His sons, Joachim (born Nov. 18, 1856) and Niels (born Nov. 2, 1858), are promising landscape and animal painters. Weilbach, 637 ; Kunst-Chronik, x. 457 ; Sigurd Miil- ler, 321. SLAVE SHIP, Joseph M. W. Turner, Thornton K. Lothrop, Boston, Mass.; can- vas. A slave ship driven ashore in a storm ; the slaves have been thrown overboard, and some of them are struggling, with their manacles on, in the surf. Long owned by John Ruskin, from whom bought by J. Tay- lor Johnston, New York, at whose sale (1876) sold for $10,000 to Miss Alice Hooper, who left it to the son of Thornton Lothrop, Boston. Ruskin, Mod. Painters. SLEEP OF JESUS. See Madonna with Diadem. SLINGELANDT, PIETER CORNELISZ VAN, born at Leyden, Oct. 20, 1640, died there, Nov. 7, 1691. Dutch school; genre painter, pupil of Gerard Dou, of whom he was the most conscientious and patient im- itator. Works : Family Group, National Gallery, London ; Domestic Scene, Woman Sewing and Child in Cradle, Bucking- ham Palace, ib.; Kitchen with Man offer- ing Partridges to the Cook, Bridgewater Gallery, ib. ; Mother reproving Girl, Mr. 100