Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/277

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STORY STORY, GEORGE HENRY, born in New Haven, Conn., Jan. 23, 1835. Portrait and genre painter, pupil in New Haven of Professor Bail, and of Charles Hine, por- trait painter ; studied in Europe one year and sketched in Cuba. Elected an A.N.A. in 1875. Studio in New York. Ideal works : Echoes from the Sea (1876); Student of Nat- ure (1878) ; Young Mother (1879) ; Indian Encampment Orchard Beach (1881); Elec- tion Returns (Smith's College), Winning Hand (1883) ; Broken Vase, Still Trusting (1884) ; Our Father who art in Heaven (1885) ; The Fishermen (1886). Portraits : Whitelaw Reid, Lotus Club, New York ; Governor of Villa-Clara, Villa-Clara Gal- lery, Madrid, Spain ; Mrs. Ann S. Stephens (1879). STOTHARD, THOMAS, born in Lon- don, Aug. 17, 1755, died there, April 27, 1834. Apprenticed in 1770 to a designer for brocaded silks, then tried book il- lustration, and in 1777 entered schools of Royal Academy ; elected A.R.A. in 1791, and R.A. in 1794, and in 1810 was appointed librarian. Although best known by his book illustra- tions, of which he made upwards of 5,000, he painted some good subject pieces, the most ambitious of which is Intemperance, on the staircase of Burghley House, Northamp- tonshire. Other works : Greek Vintage, Woodland Dance, Cupid and Calypso, Di- ana and Nymphs, Cupids preparing for the ^M J. / >k Chase, Myth of Nar- V *^>*-y <*~~V cissus, Canterbury Pil-

  • ^ grims, National Gal-

lery. Bray ; Life (London, 1851) ; Ch. Blanc, ficole anglaise ; Redgrave ; Sandby, ii. 303. STOTT, WILLIAM, born at Oldham, England ; contemporary. Portrait and genre painter, pupil in Paris of Gorome. Medal, 3d class, 1882. Works: Midday Dream, Knitter (1881); Ferryman, Bathing (1882); Children's Round, Grandpa's Study (1883) ; The Two Sisters (1884); My Father and My Mother, Moonrise (1885) ; Spring Day (1886). STOTZ, OTTO, born at Ludwigsburg, Wflrteinberg, in 1805. Animal painter, studied in Munich. Settled in Stuttgart, later in Vienna. Works : Review in Stutt- gart ; Racing at Cannstadt ; Catching Horses in Wallachia (1841), Vienna Museum ; Ara- bian full-blooded Horses (1852) ; Horses in Stable, Return from Hare Hunt (1853) ; Arab Horses in Stud at Babolua (1854) ; English Stallions, Horses from Imperial Stud at Kisbcr (1858); Horses in Stable (1870) ; etc. Wurzbach, xxxix. 202. STRACK, LUDWIG PHILIPP, born at Hayna, Aug. 10, 1761, died in Oldenburg, Jan. 27, 1836. Landscape painter, pupil in Cassel of Tischbein, copying chiefly Ruis- dael and Wouverman. Entered service of Duke of Oldenburg in 1783 ; returned to Cassel in 1786 ; visited Italy in 1788 ; be- came court painter iu Cassel in 1794 ; went to Eutin in 1797, and to Oldenburg in 1803. Works : Sicilian Landscape (1796), Olden- burg Gallery ; Ruins of Ancient Theatre in Taormina, Ruins of Piestum (1803) ; Land- scape with Shepherds, do. with Ruins (2), Cassel Gallery. Nagler, xvii. 439 ; N. Necr. der D. (1836), i. 86. STRADANUS, JAN, born at Bruges in 1523 (1530?), died at Florence in 1605. Flemish school. Real name Johannes or Hans van der Straet. History painter, first instructed by his father, then pupil of M. Franck and Pieter Aertszen ; then went to Italy, and in Rome studied especially Raph- ael and Michelangelo, vying with Daniele da Volterra and Salviati iu the execution of some pictures for the Belvedere. Called to Naples by Don Juan d'Austria, he decorated his palace with paintings, and accompanied him to Flanders, but soon returned, and settled at Florence, where he was called Giovanni della Strada, and worked con-