Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/279

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STRAUCH Leopold Flameng (1869). Gaz. des B. Arts (1881), xxiv. 322, 329; Cb. Blanc, Ingres, 114 ; Larousse, xiv. 1136. Subject treated also by Gerard de Lairesse, Amsterdam Museum ; Adrien van der Werff, Louvre, Paris. Filhol ; Landon, 2d Col., iii. 13. Strawberry Girl, Sir Joshua Reynold:, Sir Richard Wallace, London, STRAUCH, GEORG.born at Nuremberg, Sept. 17, 1613, died July 13, 1675. German school ; portrait and history painter, pupil of Johann Hauer. Works : Immaculate Conception, Vienna Museum ; two Portraits, Prague Gallery ; Female Portrait (1664), Germanic Museum, Nuremberg. Nagler, xvii. 465. STRAUCH, LORENZ, born at Nurem- berg in 1554, died there in 1630. Portrait painter of distinction, and also known through a number of fine prospects of Nu- remberg. Works: Male Portraits (10, 1581, 1591, 1593, 1594, 1596, 1597, 1602, 1604, 1615, 1620), Female do. (1593, 1597, 1605), Child's Portrait (1603), Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Female Portrait, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; do. (1591), Male Portrait (1605), Schleissheim Gallery. Nagler, xvii. 467. STRAWBERRY GIRL, Sir Joshua Re y- nolds, Hertford House, Sir Richard Wallace, London ; canvas. A little girl, three-quar- ters length, standing with folded hands, with an odd turban-like head-dress, and a strawberry pottle on her right arm. Sir Joshua declared this to be one of the "half- dozen original things " which no man ever exceeds in his life-work. Painted in 1773 ; sold for 50 guineas to Earl of Carisford ; bought at Rogers's sale (1856) by Marquis of Hertford for 2,100 guineas. Repetitions : Lansdowne House ; Lord Normanton. En- graved by T. Watson (1774) ; S. Cousins (1873). Leslie & Taylor, Life, ii. 3, 20 ; Pulling, 46 ; Redgrave, Century, i. 141 ; Stephens, Eng. Children by J. R. STREATElt, ROBERT, born in London in 1624, died there in 1680. Pupil of Du- moulin ; painted history, portraits, land- scapes, and still-life. Was sergeant painter to Charles II. ; painted ceilings at White- hall, destroyed by fire, and the ceiling of the theatre at Oxford, still extant. F. de Conches, 58 ; Redgrave. STREEK, JURIAAN VAN, born at Am- sterdam in 1632 (?), died there, June 12, 1678. Dutch school ; portrait and still-life painter, about whose life no particulars are known. Worts : Fishmonger Woman, Schleissheim Gallery ; Breakfast Table (2, one dated 1649), Schwerin Gallery ; Still- Life, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; (1642), Breakfast, Liechtenstein Vanitas Gallery, Vienna. His son and pupil, Hendrik (1659- 1713), who painted architecture and still-life,