Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/287

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sri'I'KU tie sitting by ; at the left, the host descends ! hand, and a youth, with a plate of meat, a flight of steps, and at the right, a girl in fanciful cap and bodice carries a dish; a dog under the table. Painted about 1540. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 406. By Rembrandt, Louvre; wood, H. 2 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 2 in. ; signed, dated 1G48. Christ seat- ed behind a table in front of a niche between two pilasters ; at left is seated one of the disciples, seen from behind, and at right another, side view ; behind the latter a servant bearing a plate. Sale of Collection are waiting upon them. Formerly in Esco- rinl. Engraved by Van Somplin (1G43) ; in reverse by Swanenburg and C. Van Tienen ; with changes, A. Lonimeliu. Smith, ii. 131 ; ix. 294. By Titian, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 5 ft. (5 in. X 8 f t. ; signed. Christ seated with Luke behind a table in a marble court, with Cleopas at the right ; at the left a page with a tureen, and behind, a servant with sleeves rolled up ; under the table a dog growling Supper at Emmaus, Paolo Veronese, Louvre, Pans. of Burgomaster W. Six (1734), 170 florins ; M. Randon de Boisset sale (1777) to Louis XVI., for 10,500 livres. Engraved by Baron Denon ; De Frey in Musee franais. Sim- ilar subject (1648), Christiansborg Museum. Cat. Louvre ; Filhol, viii. PI. 507 ; East- lake, Louvre, 183 ; Smith, vii. 44 ; Vosmaer, 214, 476. By Rubens, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 8 in. x 5 ft. 1 in. The Saviour seated at further side of a table, with one disciple seen in profile, the other with back to spec- tator ; an old woman, with a glass in her at a cat. According to tradition Luke is Charles V., Cleopas Cardinal Ximenes, and the page Philip II. Painted in 1547 ; went from Gonzaga Collection, Mantua, into Col- lection of Charles I. ; thence to Jabach, who sold it to Louis XIV. The original picture, of which this is a replica, was presented in [ 1547 by Alessandro Contarini to the Signo- ria of Venice, and was in existence at end of last century. Copies of Louvre canvas in Turin and Dresden Galleries. Engraved by F. Chauveau (1656) ; Masson. C. & C., Titian, ii. 152 ; Zanetti, Pitt. Ven., 165 ; S43