Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/309

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TESCI1ENDORFF with subjects from Ovid, and from history, sacred and profane. In 1682-83 he did much towards the revival of the Academy of Design at The Hague, and in 1690 was called as court painter to Berlin, where he decorated the electoral palaces, helped to found the Academy, and became professor. In the Royal Palace at Berlin is his Death of Adonis. His brothers and pupils, Eli- as (1651-1729) and Matheus (1670-1757), painted the former, flowers and animals at The Hague and in Rome, where he died ; the latter, history and portraits, studied also un- der Doudyns and Daniel Mytens, then as- sisted his brother in Berlin, and completed his studies in Rome and Venice. Immer- zeel, iii. 134 ; Kranim, vi. 1615 ; Nagler, xviii. 251. TESCHENDORFF, EMIL, born in Stet- tin in 1823. History, genre and portrait painter, pupil in Munich of Piloty ; at first painted realistic scenes from life of Luther, then in Berlin portraits ; executes especial- ly single figures in picturesque attitudes. Assistant secretary at Berlin Academy since 1877. Works : Conradin's Farewell of his Mother (1868) ; Husband's Bequest ; Juliet with the Potion ; Cleopatra ; Ariadne ; (Edipus and Antigone (1879) ; Pastime (1880). Mtiller, 516 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1881), ii. 257 ; Land und Meer (1883), ii. 700. TESCHNER, ALEXANDER, born in Berlin in 1816, died there, Aug. 9, 1878. History painter, pupil of Berlin Academy under Herbig, with Wach, after whose death he devoted himself to religious art in the style and under the influence of Cornelius ; visited Rome in 1857. Great gold medal of Hohenzollern, 1865. Works: Ecce Homo (1853), church at Perleberg ; Pieta (1878), Emperor William, Berlin ; cartoons for stained-glass windows in Cathedrals of Mag- deburg, Stralsund, Aix-la-Chapelle, etc. Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 247. TESTA, PIETRO, born in Lucca in 1611, died in Rome in 1650. Florentine school ; supposed pupil at Lucca of Pietro Paolini. Went to Rome when young, and studied un- der Domenichino and afterwards under Pie- tro da Cortona. He was of a morose and melancholy dispo- sition, and made many enemies by his adverse criti- cism of the works of other painters. His body was found floating in the Tiber, but whether he was _ murdered or committed suicide LJ " is unknown. Among his works are : Joseph sold by his Breth- ~"~ ren, Capitol Museum, Rome; Death of Dido, Uffizi. Lanzi, i. 236 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole florentine. TESTAMENT, OLD AND NEW, or Tri- umph of Religion, Garofalo, Ferrara Gal- lery ; fresco transferred to canvas, H. 21 ft. 4 in. x 26 ft. 11 in. A quaint allegorical composition, illustrating the victory of Chris- tianity over the Mosaic dispensation. In the middle is Christ on the cross ; at his right hand is the New Testament, at his left the Old, the latter placed on an ass ; from the cross proceed arms, which place a crown on the New Testament, hold the keys of Paradise, deliver the patriarchs from hell, and slay the Old Testament. Through the hands of a figure representing religion flow streams of blood, which fall on the sacra- ments, and opposite to these are seen the sacrifices of the Old Testament. Solomon's temple has also a place in the composition, and opposite to it is the preaching of St. Paul. Over the whole is the Almighty seated on a rock. Painted in 1524 on the wall of the refectory of S. Andrea, Ferrara ; trans- ferred to canvas in 1841 by the painter Pel- legrino Succi, by order of Gregory XVI. Vasari, ed. Mil., vi. 466 ; Baruffaldi, i. 332. TESTFTJN (Tettelin), HENRI, born in Paris in 1616, died at The Hague, April 17, 1695. French school ; history and por- trait painter, brother of Louis Testelin, and pupil of Vouet. He became one of the 961