Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/342

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TOtJDOUZE View in Stockholm Shiirengarclen ; View in Lapland ; Saturday Dance in Dalecarlia. MOller, 524. TOTJDOUZE, fiDOUARD, bom in Paris in 1844. History and genre painter, pupil of Auguste Leloir, Pils, and of the ficole des B. Arts, where he won the grand prix de Home in 1871. Medals : 3d class, 1876 ; 2d class, 1877. Works: Pirates Embark- ing (1867) ; Death of Jezebel (1868) ; Tort- ure of Brunhilde, Two Friends (1869); Eros and Aphrodite (1874) ; Murder of Agamemnon by Order of Clytemnestra (1876) ; Lot's Wife changed into Salt (1877) ; Beach at Yport (1878) ; Guardian Angels (1879), Caen Museum ; Country Recreation (1880); Coquetry (1881); Di- ana's Triumph (1882). Larousse, Supple- ment. TOULMOTJCHE, AUGUSTE, born in Nantes, Sept. 21, 1829. Genre painter, pu- pil of Gleyre. Subjects generally piquant scenes from daily life ; paints satins and velvets with great skill. Medals : 3d class, 1852, 1859 ; 2d class, 1861 ; 3d class, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1870. Works : Curl-Papers (1849) ; Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, A Girl (1852); After Breakfast (1853), Princess Mathilde ; First Step (1853), Empress Eu- genie ; The Lesson (1855), Nantes Museum ; The Terrace (1855) ; A Kiss (1857); Prayer, A Lesson, Card-House (1859) ; First Cha- grin, Sleep, Watch, Letter (1861) ; A Snub, At Rest, The Hearth (1863); Confidence, The Day after the Ball (1864) ; Forbidden Fruit (1865), Sir Richard Wallace, London ; First Visit (1865) ; A Marriage for Conveni- ence (1866), E. Matthews; White Lilacs, Waiting (1867) ; Last Glimpse, A Festival (1868) ; Love-Letter, Morning Toilet (1869) ; The Appointed Time, Woman Reading (1870) ; Winter (1873) ; Serious Book, The Reply (1874) ; Flirtation, Summer (1876) ; The Rose (1878); The Letter, In the Grasp (1883) ; Tcte-a-Tete (1884) ; In the Library, The Adieu, W. H. Vanderbilt Col- lection, New York ; Hour of Return, Samuel Hawk Collection, ib.; In the Garden, Love- Letter, Forbidden Fruit, New York, William Astor, ib. Bellier, ii. 582 ; Meyer, Gesch., 681, 696. TOUR. See La Tour. TOURNEMINE, CHARLES EMILE VA- CHER DE, born at Toulon, Oct. 25, 1814, died there, Dec. 22, 1873. Landscape painter, pupil of Isabey. At first painted views of Brittany and Normandy. In 1854 he went to the East, after which his pict- ures were chiefly of Oriental subjects. As- sistant custodian of the Luxembourg ; L. of Honour, 1853. Works : Souvenir of Con- carneau, River Oust (1846) ; Environs of Vannes, Low Tide, Sunset (1847) ; Breton Horsemen, A River, A Meadow, A Brook (1848) ; Batz, Low Tide at Croisic, Breton Pasture, Environs of St. Martin (1849) ; A Village, Low Tide (1850) ; Beach in Brit- tany, Environs of Croisic, Pasture near Smyrna (1852) ; Beach at Low Tide, Bretons driving Cattle (1853); Girl Tending a Flock, Turkish Shepherd, The Danube (1855); Turkish Cafe, The Road to Smyrna, Turkish Horsemen, Lake on the Borders of Tu- nis, Souvenir of Asiatic Turkey (1857) ; De- parture of Caravan, Dwellings near Ada- lia, Souvenir of Tyr-Syria (1859) ; Cafe at Ad alia, Views on Lower Danube (3), Envi- rons of Rosette Egypt (1861) ; Gambols of Fishing Birds in Egypt (1863) ; Dwelling at Adana Asia Minor (1863), Prefecture, Nantes ; Promenade of Turkish Women (1863),Montpellier Museum ; Street leading to Bazaar at Chabran-el-Kebir (1865), Toulon Museum ; Return from the Chase in India (1868), Marseilles Museum ; Festival in In- dia, Hunting Episode in Africa (1869) ; View of Luxor during Inundation (1870) ; Elephant attacked by Lions, Sacred Lake in Hindostan (1872) ; Ruins of a Temple in Central India, Camp in Asia Minor (1873). Athenffium (1873), i. 56 ; Bellier, ii. 583 ; Claretie, Peintres (1874), 278. TOURNEUX, JEAN FRANCOIS EU- GENE, born in Banthouzel, Oct. 6, 1809, died in Paris, June 26, 1867. Genre paint- er, pupil of Marechal in Metz. Medal, 3d 290