Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/348

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TKEVISANI TREVISANI, MARC ANTONIO, Doge, portrait, Titian, Sterne Collection, Vienna ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 10 in. Painted in 1553 ; replica of original, burned in the Palazzo Ducale, Venice, in 1577. C. & C., Titian, ii. 226. TREZEL, PIERRE PfiLTX, born in Paris, June 16, 1782, died there, June 16, 1855. History painter, pupil of Lemire and Prud'hon, in whose manner he painted some large pictures. Medals : 3d class, 1822 ; 2d class, 1830 ; L. of Honour, 1855. Works : Death of Marcus Aurelius (180G), bought by State ; Death of Zopira (1808) ; First-Born (1810) ; Hector's Parting from Andromache (1819), Bordeaux Museum ; Death of Moth- er and Sister of Gustavus Vasa (1822) ; Thetis plunging her son Achilles into the Styx (1830) ; Portrait of the Seigneur de Lautrec, Versailles Museum ; Cain fleeing after his Crime (1855) ; Phaedra judged in Hell, Angers Museum ; St. John writing the Apocalypse, Church of St. John, Toulouse ; Souls in Purgatory rising to Heaven, Cathe- dral of Toulouse. Bellier, ii. 590 ; Meyer, Gesch., 163 ; Larousse. TRIBUTE MONEY (Matt., xxii. 19; Luke, xx. 24). By Rembrandt, Hope Collection, England ; canvas, H. 1 ft. 11 in. x 2 ft. 7 in. ; dated 1645. Interior of a temple ; in foreground twelve persons, among whom is a Pharisee showing Jesus a piece of money. Robit Collection (1801), 8,850 francs ; sold in 1840 for 600 guineas. Engraved by McArdell. Vosmaer, 469 ; Smith, vii. 47. By Huberts, Mr. Emerson, England (?) ; wood, H. 5 ft. x 6 ft. Nine figures, life- size, seen to knees. Christ holds the piece of money in his left hand and raises the right above his head. Van Loo Collection, Amsterdam (1713), 1,150 florins ; Lord Cour- tenay Collection (1816), 490 guineas ; John Webb (1821), 441 guineas ; G. J. Cholmon- deley sale (1831), 252 guineas. By Titian, Dresden Gallery ; wood, H. 2 ft. 8 in. x 2 ft. ; signed. Cristo della Moneta. Christ, full-face, turns towards the question- ing Pharisee, who stands in profile with the coin in his hand. A masterpiece of the ar- tist. Painted, according to Vasari, about 1514, for Alfonso I. of Ferrara, on the panel of a cabinet ; afterwards in gallery of the Duke of Mod'ena, whence it passed in 1746 to Dresden. Restored by Palmaroli ; no original replica, but copies in the galleries of Dresden and Parma, in the Uffizi, the Grosvenor Collection in London, and in the Accademia di S. Luca, Rome. Engraved Tribute Money, Titian, Dresden Gallery. by G. Eilers. C. & C., Titian, i. 116 ; Va- sari, ed. Mil., vii. 435 ; Hubner, Dresden Gal., i. 11. By Titian, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 4 ft, x 3 ft. 4 in. ; signed. Christ, turned to left, points upwards with right hand as the Pharisee presents the coin ; behind the latter is a man wearing goggles. Bought in 1852 at sale of Mar- shal Soult, who brought it from Spain. Perhaps the picture painted in 1568 for Philip H., but crude and unsatisfactory in treatment (C. & C.). Engraved by Martin 296