Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/37

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RAPHAEL Holy Family del Cordero (1507), Madrid Museum ; Entombment (1507), Palazzo Bor- gbese, Borne ; St. Catharine (1507), National Gallery, London ; Belle Jardiniere Madonna (1507-8), Louvre, Paris ; Niccolini Madonna (1508), Panshanger House, England ; Co- lonna Madonna (about 1508), Berlin Mu- seum; Eszterlmzy Madonna (about 1508), Buda-Pesth Gallery; Madonna della Casa d'Alba (1508-9), Hermitage, St. Peters- burg ; Madonna del Baldacchiuo (1508), Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Madonna with Dia- dem (1508-13), Louvre; Fornarina (about 1509), Palazzo Barberini, Rome ; Aldobran- dini Madonna (1510-11), National Gallery, London; Rogers Madonna (1511), Mrs. R. J. Mackintosh, London ; Madonna di Foli- gno (1511), Vatican, Rome; Bridgewater Madonna (1511-12), Bridgewater House, London; Portrait of Julius H. (1511-12), Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Portrait of Bindo Altoviti (1512-13), Eiccio Portrait, Munich Gallery; Portrait of Cardinal Bibbiena (1513), Madrid Museum ; Portrait of Tom- maso Inghirami (about 1513), Madonna dell' Impannata (about 151-4), Palazzo Pitti, Flor- ence ; Madonna del Pesce (1514) Madrid Museum ; Portrait of Young Man (1515-20), Louvre ; Raphael's Cartoons (1515-1G), S. Kensington Museum, London ; Madonna della Teuda (1516), Munich Gallery; Por- trait of Baldassare Castiglione (about 151C), Louvre ; Madonna della Sedia (1516-17), Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Madonna dei Cau- delabri (1516-17), Butler-Johnstone Col- lection, London; St. Cecilia (1516-17), Bologna Gallery ; Kpasimo di Sicilia (1510- 18), Madrid Museum ; Holy Family La Per- la (about 1517), Holy Family del Lagarto (about 1517), Madonna della Rosa (1517), Visitation (about 1517), Madrid Museum ; Vision of Ezekiel (about 1517), Palazzo Pitti,. Florence; Holy Family, (1517-18), Holy Family of Francis I. (1518), St. Margaret (1518), St. Michael (1518), Louvre ; Portrait of Leo X. (1517-19), Palazzo Pitti, Florence; Madonna di S. Sisto (1518), Dresden Gallery ; Portrait of Joanna of Aragou (about 1518), Kaphael and his Fencing Master, Louvre; Violinist (1518), Palazzo Sciarra-Colonna, Rome ; Trawfiguration (1519-20), Vatican. Other works attributed to Raphael : Ad- oration of the Magi (1503 ?), Berlin Muse- um ; Madonna with the Pink (about 1507 ?), Count Spada, Lucca ; Madonna (La Viergo au Sein, 1510), Professor Nicoln, Lausanne ; Holy Family of Loreto (1512-13), lost ; Ma- donna del Pozzo (?), Uffizi, Florence ; Donna Gravida, Donna Velata, Palazzo Pitti, ib. ; Holy Family del Divino Amore (about 1513), Naples Museum ; St. Margaret, Vienna Mu- seum ; Madonna di S. Luca, Accadeinia di S. Luca, Rome. Milntz, Raphael (Paris, 1881); Forster, Raphael ; Springer, Raffael und Michelangelo (Leipsic, 1878); Gruyer. Les Fres- ques de Raphael; Raphael et 1'Anti- / quite (Paris, 1864); U Vierges de Raphael (Paris, 1869) ; Raphael Peintre de Portraits (Paris, 1881) ; C. & C., j Raphael (London, 1882); Lttbke, Gesch. ital. Mai., ii. 211 ; do., Rafaels Leben (Dres- den, 1882); Grimm, Das Leben Raffaels (Berlin, 1886) ; Minghetti, Raffaelo (Bologna, 1885); Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 311; Gutbier, Raf ael-Werk ; J. Dennistoun, Memoirs of Dukes of Urbino (London, 1861) ; Burck- hardt, 648 ; Ch. Clement, Michel Ange, L. da Vinci, Raphael (Paris, 1861), 240 ; Passa- vaut, Raphael d'Urbin et son pi-re Gio. Snnti (French tr., Paris, 1860); Planche, Portraits d' Artistes (Paris, 1853), i. 25; Quatremere de Quincy, Histoire do la vie de Raphael (Paris, 1835) ; C. C. Perkins, Raph- ael and Michelangelo (Boston, 1878) ; East- lake, Five Great Painters (London, 1883) ; Bigot, Raphael et La Farm'sine (Paris, 1884) ; Lermolieff, 95, 309, 330, 339, 348, 359, 471; Gaz. des B. Arts (1859-69); (1870), iii. 79; (1872), vi. 353; (1873), vii. 336, 417; viiL 82; (1875), xii. 114 ; (1877),