Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/375

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VACCARO VACCAEO, ANDREA, born in Naples in 1598, died there in 1670. Nea- politan school ; pupil of Girolamo Imparato ; followed first the style of Cara- vaggio and later that of Guido. After the death of Stanzioni he was considered the best painter in Naples, until Luca Giordano came to maturity. Pictures in churches in Naples, and Massacre of the Innocents, Bap- tism of St. Candidus, Naples Museum ; Christ appearing to Mary, Dresden Gallery ; Christ at the Column, Infant Christ sleeping in the Arms of St. John, Old Pinako- thek, Munich ; Christ on the Cross, Germanic Museum, Nu- remberg ; Magdalen Penitent, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Lanzi, ii. 42 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole napolitaine ; Burckhardt, 768, 792 ; Lavice, 224 VACHE BLANCHE (The White Cow), fimil van Marcke, Samuel F. Barger, New York ; canvas. A fine study of a white cow in a pleasing landscape, which, however, is subordinate to the figure. VADDEB, LODEWYCK DE, born in Brussels, baptized April 8, 1605, died there, buried Aug. 10, 1655. Flemish school ; landscape painter, seems to have been in Italy and studied Titian. Master of the guild at Brussels, 1628. Excelled in ren- dering early morning mist and effects of light. Approached Rubens in richness and vivacity of colour. Works : Woodland Scene, Darmstadt Museum ; Two Land- scapes with Figures, Ferdinandeum, Inns- brack ; Horsemen p&ssills through Ravine) Old Pina _ kothek, Munich ; Landscape, Stockholm Museum. Immerzeel, iii. 152 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 341 ; Kramm, vi. 1665 ; Kunst- Chronik, xxi. 523. VAENIUS (Venius), OTHO, born at Ley- den in 1558, died in Brussels, May 6, 1629. Flemish school. Real name Octavio van Veen. History and portrait painter, pupil at Leyden of Isack Claesz Swanenburg, called Nicolai, and at Litge (1572) of Lamp- sonius, then in Rome (1575-80) of F. Zuc- chero ; returned to Liege and in 1584 to Leyden; went to Antwerp in 1593 ; master of the guild there in 1594, its dean Jfc-J, in 1602-3; be- came court painter to Al- brecht and Isa- bella, governors of the Nether- lands, who called him to Brussels as super- intendent of the mint ; received into the guild there in 1620. He was the master of Rubens, and a good poet and scholar. Works : Portraits (2), Madrid Museum ; Artist and his Family (1584), Louvre ; Cru- cifixion, Christ bearing the Cross, Marriage of St. Catherine (1589), Brussels Museum ; Raising of Lazarus, Ghent Cathedral ; Ser- pent on the Fig-Tree, Calling of St. Mat- thew, Charity of St. Nicholas, Miracle by St. Nicholas, St. Paul at Csesarea, Portrait of Jean Miraeus, Museum, Antwerp ; Christ and the Repentant Sinners, The Virgin nursing Infant Christ, Last Supper, Raising of Laza- rus, Raising of Widow's Son, Entombment, Cathedral, ib. ; Martyrdom of St. Andrew, St Andrew's, ib. ; Twelve Scenes in History of the Ancient Batavians (1613), Amsterdam Museum ; Descent from the Cross, Aschaffen- burg Gallery ; Allegory on Fall of Man, Barn- berg Gallery ; Assumption (1608), Brunswick Gallery ; Minerva protecting Youth, Stock- holm Museum ; Unadvised Youth, Cologne Museum ; Minerva and the Muses, Berlin Museum ; Triumph of Catholic Church (6), Fifteen Scenes in History of Christ and the Virgin, Schleissheim Gallery ; Rape of Pro- serpine, Stuttgart Museum ; Holy Family, Portraits of Archdukes Albrecht and Ernst, Vienna Museum. Ch. Blanc, Ecole fla- mande ; Van den Branden, 401 ; Immerzeel, iii. 157 ; Kramm, vi. 1679 ; Messager des sciences hist. (1868), 328; (1877), 313; Michiels, vi. 352, 468 ; Rooses (Reber), 148 ; 319