Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/380

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VALLEY burgh. Elected an A.R.S.A. in 1875, and R.S.A. in 1881. Works : Sunday Morning ; Leisure Hours ; Loch Fine ; Largo Bay ; Fresh Breeze ; Reading the War News, Na- tional Gallery, Edinburgh. VALLEY FARM, John Constable, Nation- al Gallery, London ; canvas, 4 ft. 9 in. X 4 ft. 1 in. A farm house on the bank of the Stour, near East Bergholt, Suffolk, property of the painter's father. Called Willy Lott's house from its former possessor. Painted in 1835. Vernon bequest, 1847. Engraved by J. C. Bentley. Cat. Nat. Gal.; Brock- Arnold, Biog. Great Artists, 107. VANAISE, GUSTAVE, born in Ghent ; contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of Ghent Academy and of Cauneel. Mention honorable, Paris, 1883. Works : Louis XL and Olivier le Daim (1879) ; A Mother, The Painter Willem Key over- hearing Alva's Order for Execution of Eg- mont (1880) ; Magdalen at Christ's Tomb (1881) ; Young Girl at the Mirror (1882) ; St. Lievin (1883) ; Sunday Evening, Gamin with Pigeon (1884) ; Good Samaritan, Por- trait of Cesar de Cock (1885). VAN BOSKERCK, ROBERT W., born in New Jersey in 1855. Landscape painter, pupil of A. H. Wyant. Studio in New York. Works: Landscape (T. B. Clarke, New York), Cedars at Saddle River (1880) ; October Landscape (1881) ; Jersey Road- way (1882), Midland Meadow (1883) ; Mid- summer (1884). VANDERLYN, JOHN, born at Kingston, N. Y., October, 1776, died there, Sept. 23, 1852. Portrait and history painter, pupil of Gilbert Stuart in New York. Studied in 1796-1801 in Paris, where he painted from 1803 to 1815. Medal at Paris (1808) for his Marius among the Ruins of Carthage. Other works : Murder of Jane McCrea by the Indians ; Ariadne in Naxos, estate of Asher B. Durand, Orange, N. J.; Landing of Columbus, Rotunda of the Capitol, Wash- ington ; Portraits oi Washington, Monroe, Madison, Calhouu, and Clinton ; Zachary Taylor, City Hall, New York ; Study of Head, Corcoran Gallery, Washington. He became involved in pecuniary difficulties by the exhibition of panoramas in a building erected by himself in City Hall Park, New York, and died in poverty. VAN DYCK, Sir Antony. See Dijck. VAN DYCK, LITTLE. See Coques. VAN ELTEN. See Kruseman van Elten. VAN MARCKE. See Marcke. VANLOO. See Loo. VANNI, ANDREA. See Andrea di Vanni. VANNI, FRANCESCO, Cavaliere, born in Siena in 1563, died there, Oct. 25, 1609. Sienese school. Probably a pupil of his half-brother, Ventura Salimbeni ; went when sixteen years old to Rome, where he studied with Giovanni de' Vecchi. Afterwards worked at Parma, where he studied the works of Correggio and adopted the manner of Barocci. On his return to Rome he en- joyed the favour of Clement VHL, who made him a knight. His pictures are in several of the churches of Siena, especially in S. Quirico, S. Spirito, SS. Concezzione, and S. Agostino. Other examples : Repose of the Holy Family, Martyrdom of St. Irene, Louvre, Paris ; Holy Family, Dresden Gal- lery ; St. Francis in Ecstasy, Pitti, Florence ; Sons of Jacob buying Wheat of Joseph, Uffizi, ib. ; Holy Women at Tomb of Christ, Madrid Museum ; Innocence, Hermitage ; Fall of Simon Magus, St. Peter's, Rome (one of the few oil paintings in that basilica). Lanzi, i. 314 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole floreutine. VANNI, TURING DI, born in Pisa; flourished close of 14th century. Floren- tine school. A Madonna and Angels, signed by him, is in the Louvre ; an altarpiece, signed and dated 1397, in S. Paolo a Ripa, Arno ; and a Virgin with Angels and Saints, in the Convent of S. Martino, near Palermo. Had a brother, Nello di Vanni, who finished the history of Job, begun by Giotto in the Campo Santo. Villot, Cat. Louvre. VANNUCCHI, ANDREA. See Andrea del Sarto. VANNUCCI. See Perugino. 324