Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/382

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VASS1LACCHI ci, and laboured there several years with Francesco Salviati. He afterwards painted in Florence, Pi- sa (1529), Bolo- gna (1539), Ven- ice (1542), and Naples (1544). In Florence he was patronized by the Medici, for whom he executed many works, both ar- chitectural and decorative. But he is best known by his "Vite de' piii eccellenti pit- tori, scultori, ed architetti " (Florence, 1550, 2d ed. 1568) the first important history of modern art. As a painter he was a weak imitator of Michelangelo. He left many pictures, among which are : Ma- donna in Glory and Saints, Arezzo Gal- lery ; Supper of St. Gregory (1540), Bo- logna Gallery ; Conception, Lucca Gallery ; Holy Family, Palazzo Corsini, Rome ; Por- trait of Cosimo I. de' Medici, Berlin Mu- seum ; Pieta, Dresden Gallery ; Holy Fam- ily, Leipsic Museum ; do. (2), Old Pinako- thek, Munich ; do. (1), and Christ driving out the Money Changers, Vienna Museum ; Three Graces, National Museum, Buda- Pesth ; Angel's Salutation, Louvre ; Cari- tas, Madonna and Angels, Madrid Muse- um ; Three Saints, Liverpool Institute. Ch. Blanc, ficole florentine ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., i. 57 ; Burckhardt, 94, 157, 221 ; Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 562. VASSILACCHI, ANTONIO. See Ali- ense. VASTAGH, GYOEGY (George), born at Szegedin, Hungary, in 1834. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Vienna Academy, after having fought as a honvud in the revo- lutionary war of 1848-49, and then wan- dered about under great privations, paint- ing portraits and studying national costumes and manners. His pictures, exhibited in Vienna in 1870, immediately attracted at- tention, and forthwith he won fame with his scenes from gypsy life, for which he made studies in Transylvania and Rou- mania ; thence he moved to Pesth, where he has since become the favourite por- trait painter of the Hungarian aristocracy. Works : Group of Children (1871) ; Decla- ration of Love at the Hedge, Turkish Gyp- sies by a Bridge (1872) ; Gypsies resting in a Church Ruin, Roumanian Gypsies, For- tune Teller, Roumanian Gypsy Girl gather- ing Mushrooms (1873) ; Gypsies dancing and playing in Roumanian Peasant Room ; Moldavian Gypsies crossing Brook ; Woo- ing in Roumania ; Peasant Girl about to sell her Hair ; Gypsies at Cards in a Hut ; Sunday in Wallachia ; Portraits of Count Pochy (1872); Archduke Joseph; Arch- duchess Clotilde ; Archduchess Maria Doro- thea (1885). AUgem. K. C., ix. 306, 622 ; Land und Meer (1873), ii. 504 ; (1875), i. 69 ; ii. 690 ; (1877), i. 29 ; (1879), ii. 964 ; (1880), ii. 949 ; N. illust. Zeitg. (1873), No. 43 ; Wurzbach, 1. 1. VASTO, MARQUIS DEL. See Avalos, Alfonso d'. VAUCHELET, THEOPHILE AU- GUSTE, born at Passy (Paris), March 7, 1802, died in 1873. History and portrait painter, pupil of Abel de Pujol and of Her- sent ; won the second prize in 1827, and the grand prix de Rome in 1829. Medals : 2d class, 1831 ; 1st class, 1846, 1861 ; L. of Honour, 1861. Works : Portraits of Mar- shals Prince Poniatowski (1834), Due de Choiseul (1835), Due de Croy, of General Lecourbe (1836), Capitulation of Magde- burg in 1806, Versailles Museum ; Death of the Virgin (1837) ; Martyrdom of St. Do- natus and St. Rogatus (1839), Ministry of Interior ; Battle of Ocana in 1809 (1839) ; Christian Charity (1846), Amiens Museum ; Man sustained by Religion (1868) ; Mode- ration, Power favouring the Good, Pru- dence hindering Evil, Palais du Senat, Paris ; Invocation of the Holy Spirit, Chap- el of do. ; Prophets Daniel and Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah, Saint-Germain 1'Aux- errois, Paris ; Decoration in Chapel of St.