Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/389

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VELASQUEZ Town, Portrait of Innocent X., do. of Velas- quez, do. of Francisco de Quevedo, do. of n Cardinal, Apsley House, ib. ; Portrait of In- nocent X., Marquis of Bute, ib. ; Landscape (2), Portrait of Philip IV., Bath House, ib.; Portrait of Philip IV., do. of Velasquez, do. of Son of Conde de Olivares, Bridgewater House, ib.; Portrait of Philip IV., do. of Don Baltasar Carlos, Grosvenor House, ib.; Lady with Fan, Boar Hunt, Portrait of Don Ballasar Carlos (3), do. of Infanta, do. of Philip IV., do. of Conde de Olivures, Sir Richard Wallace, Hertford House, ib.; St. Clara, Dona Juaua Panheco, Dudley House, ib.; Field Marshal in Armour, Holford House, ib.; Duke of Gandia, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Francis Borgia, Landscape, Stafford House, ib. ; St. John Evangelist, Bartle Frere Collection, ib.; Slay Hunt, Lord Ashburton, ib. ; Portrait of Don Adrian Pulido Pareja, do. of Juan de Pareja, do. of Velasquez, Longford Castle, "Wilts ; Portrait of Don Adrian Pulido Pareja, male portrait, Woburn Abbey ; Portrait of Philip IV. (2), Virgin in Fjcstasy, Miles Collection, Leigh Court; Portrait of Pedro Alcantara, Duke of Northumberland ; Head of Girl, Earl Spencer, Althorp ; Portrait of Olivares, do. Innocent X. (?), Portrait of Velasquez, Child in Bed, Landscape with Cavaliers (2), Mar- quis of Lansdowne, Bowood ; Las Meuinas, Portrait of Cardinal Gasparde Borja, do. of Philip IV., Banks Collection, Kingston Lacy ; Lot and his Daughters, Northwick Park, Worcestershire ; Finding of Moses, Juan de Pareja, Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard ; Portrait of Philip IV., Isabel of Bourbon, Conde de Olivdres, Mrs. Henry Huth, Wykehurst, Surrey ; Deliverance of St. Peter, Francis Cook, Richmond ; Venus and Cupid, Robert Morrit, Rokeby Park, Yorkshire ; Portrait of Mariana of Austria, H. B. Brabazon, Battle, Sussex ; Incident in Life of Pope Sixtus V., National Gallery, Edinburgh ; Supper at Emmaus, Earl of Breadalbane, Perthshire ; Portrait of Don Baltasar Carlos, Henry G. Marquand, New York ; Knight of Santiago, Aspinwall sale (1886), ib.; Knight of Santiago, William P. Douglas, ib.; Philip IV. as David, Portrait of Infanta Margarita, Landscape, Still-Life, Portrait of Cinq Mars, St. John Baptist, Lady and Children, Historical Society, ib.; Fruits, Metropoli- tan Museum, ib. Sir W. Stirling- Maxwell, Annals of Artists of Spain; Baron Davillier, Memoire de V. (Paris, 1874); W. Bttrger, Tresor d'Art en Angletcrre (Paris, 1868); Waagen, Treasures ; Madrazo, 586 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1879), xix. 415 et seq.; Quar- terly Rev., Oct., 1872 ; Stowe, Velasquez, (London, 1882) ; Curtis, Velasquez and Mu- rillo (New York, 1883); Washburn, Spanish Masters, 109 ; Kunst-Chrouik, xix. 175 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., v. 229 ; xi. 160 ; xviii. 389. VELASQUEZ, FAMILY OF, Velasquez, Vienna Museum ; canvas, H. 5 ft. x 5 ft. 7 in. In a well-lighted room are twelve fig- ures, two-thirds life-size, commonly called Family of Velasquez ; in foreground, his wife Juaua, seated, with two children stand- ing at her knee ; on left, his daughter Fran- cisca with three other children ; on extreme left, J. B. M. del Mazo, husband of Fran- cisca, with a young man called a younger brother of Juaua ; in background, in an al- cove, Velasquez, his back to the spectator, painting a portrait of a lady, and a servant and child. Curtis thinks this depicts the family of Mazo instead of Velasquez. En- graved by J. Kovatsch ; etched by W. lin- ger. Stirling, ii. 671 ; Haas, Gal. de Vi- enne ; Curtis, 15. VELATA, LA See Donna Velata. VELDE, ADRIAAN VAN DE, born in Amsterdam in 1635 or 1636, died there, Jan. 21, 1672. Dutch school ; landscape and an- imal painter, son and pupil of Willetn van de Velde, the elder, then pupil at Haarlem of Jail Wynants ; showed even as a boy an eminent talent, and after having left Wyn- ants, studied figure drawing under Philip