Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/39

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RAPHAEL the Temple ; 4 Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. 13th Arcade. History of Jesus Christ. Four compositions : 1. Nativity ; 2. Ado- ration of Magi ; 3. Baptism of Christ ; 4. Last Supper. Engraved in whole or in part by S. Ba- dalocchio ; O. Borgiani ; F. Villamena ; Nic. Chaperon ; A. Aveline ; Montagnani ; Volpato ; Ottaviani ; in chiaroscuro by Nic- cola Conzoni for Gruner. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 362 ; v. 624 ; Passavant, ii. 166 ; Miintz, 429 ; Springer, 326 ; Perkins, 184 ; Gruyer, Loges de Raphael ; Vaticano descritto, viii. PI. 1-59 ; Liibke, 171 ; Gutbier, PL 36-52. RAPHAEL'S CARTOONS, Raphael and his assistants, S. Kensington Museum, Lon- don. A series of designs, drawn with chalk on paper and coloured in distemper (1515- 16), to be worked in tapestry for the deco- ration of the Sistine Chapel, Rome ; tapes- tries made at Arras, in Flanders, under direction of Bernhard van Orley and sent to Rome in 1518. The tapestries were carried off at the sack of Rome by the Constable de Bourbon in 1527 ; restored by Constable Anne de Montmorency to Julius IH. in 1553 ; again carried off by the French in 1798 and sold in Genoa to a Jew, who is said to have burned one to get the gold it contained, and sold the others in 1808 to Pius VH. They are now in the Hall of the Arazzi in the Vatican ; much faded. The cartoons remained at Arras nearly a cen- tury, when Charles I. purchased them, by advice of Rubens, for use of his tapestry weavers at Mortlake. Only seven of the original eleven remained, and these had been cut into strips about two feet wide. On the death of Charles L, Cromwell bought them for the nation for 300. They re- mained neglected in a lumber room at Whitehall until the reign of William HI, who had them repaired and hung in a gal- lery erected for them at Hampton Court by Sir Christopher Wren. They are now ex- hibited under glass at South Kensington Mu- seum. Cartoons : 1. Miraculous Draught of Fishes, H. 10 ft. 6 in.x 13 ft G in.; 2. Paul preaching at Athens, H 11 ft. 4 in. x 14 ft 7 in.; 3. Elymas the Sorcerer struck with Blindness, H 11 ft 4 in. x 14 ft 7 in. ; 4. Paul and Barnabas at Lystra, H. 11 ft. 4 in. x 18 ft.; 5. Healing of the Lame Man, H. 11 ft 4 in. x 18 ft; 6. Death of Ananias, H. 11 ft 4 in. x 17 ft. 6 in.; 7. Christ's Charge to Peter, H 11 ft 4 in. x 17 ft 6 in. The remaining three subjects in tapestry, of which the designs are lost, are : Stoning of St. Stephen, Conversion of St. Paul, and St Paul in Prison at Philippi. The llth, of which all trace is lost, was the Coronation of the Virgin, for the altarpiece. Passavant, ii. 189, 225 ; Clement (Corkran), 278, 371 ; Blackburn, Pictures at S. Kensington, 7 ; Liibke, 188 ; Gutbier, PL 80-92. RAPHAEL AND HIS FENCING-MAS- TER, attributed to Raphael, Louvre ; canvas, H. 3 ft 3 in. x 2 ft. 9 in. A powerful, bearded man, standing behind a parapet, with one hand on his sword-hilt, turns to a younger man behind him and points to some object without the picture. Younger man supposed to represent Raphael himself. Picture has been attributed both to Sebas- tian del Piombo and to Poutormo. From Collection of Francis L Engraved by Ar- douin ; N. Larmessin. Passavant, i. 354 ; Villot, Louvre ; Musce franeais, i. ; Cab. Crozat, i. PL 9. RAPHAEL AND THE FORNARINA, Sir A. W. Galcott, Sir G. R Philips, Bart ; canvas. Figures life-size, full-length, seated. Exhibited in 1837. Engraved by Lumb Stocks. Redgrave, Century, ii. 403; Art Journal (1856), ii. By J. A. D. Ingres, Baroness Nathaniel de Rothschild, Paris. Painted at Rome in 1813; replica (1840), M. Dauban, Paris. Engraved by Pradier ; lithographed by Christophe. Original sketch acquired by Louvre in 1881. Ch. Blanc, Life, 46. RAPHAEL OF MESSINA. See Ali- brando, Girolamo. RAPHAEL D'UN MILLION. See J/o- donna of St Anthony of Padua. n