Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/412

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VEKHEYDEN ter Figures ; Parson's Maid ; Young Peas- ant Woman ; The Dancers (1842) ; Eaves- dropper (1850) ; Grape Thieves ; The Arri- val (1860) ; Boys' School ; Girls' School. Immerzeel, iii. 174 ; Kramm, vi. 1712. VERHEYDEN, JAN HENDRIK, born at Utrecht, Dec. 22, 1778, died there, buried Jan. 16, 1846. Landscape painter, first in- structed by Osti, a painter of ornaments at Utrecht ; then formed himself chiefly by careful study of nature and copying after Jan van der Heyden and the two Berck- Heyde ; painted mostly city views, which are to be found in many private collections. Member of Amsterdam Academy in 1822. Works: Fish Market in Utrecht (1818); Geertekerk in Utrecht, City View, Rotter- dam Museum. Immerzeel, iii. 175 ; Kramm, vi. 1713 ; Nagler, xx. 106. VERHOEVEN - BALL, ADRIEN JO- SEPH, born in Antwerp, Aug. 7, 1824. Genre painter, pupil of Leys and of Ant- werp Academy. Several Medals. For ten years president of section of Fine Arts in Cercle artistique at Antwerp. Works : Foundation of Brotherhood in Antwerp ; Letter to Godfather (1856) ; Card Players (1861) ; Weenix in his Studio ; Return from Mexico ; Still-Life (1873). Miiller, 534. VERHULST. See Hulst. VERKOLJE, JAN, born in Amsterdam, Feb. 9, 1650, died at Delft, buried May 8, 1693. Dutch school ; por- trait a 11 d genre painter, pupil of Jan Lievens, but nevertheless a painter of high fin- ish. He composed with taste, his drawing is tolerable, his colour warm and clear, and his execution is tender and soft. Works : Mother and Child (1675), Louvre ; Sportsman (1672), Rotterdam Museum ; Mu- sical Assembly (1673), Amsterdam Muse- um ; Portraits of Willem HI. and Consort (attributed), Haarlem Museum ; Lady and Trumpeter (1678), Old Fruit Vender and Boy, Dresden Gallery ; Musical Assembly, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Lady and Mu- sician at Piano (1674), Schleissheim Gallery ; Cupid and Psyche, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Musical Assembly (1673), Vertum- nus and Pomona (1678), Worlitz Gallery. Immerzeel, iii. 177 ; Kramm, vi. 1723 ; Ku- gler (Crowe), ii. 414 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xiv. 319. VERKOLJE, NICOLAAS, born at Delft in 1673, died in Amsterdam, Jan. 21, 1746. Dutch school; history, genre, and portrait painter, son and pupil of Jan Verkolje ; imitated the style of Van der Werff in his his- torical pictures. Works : Proserpine culling Flowers, Louvre ; Male Portrait, Amsterdam Museum ; Declined Booty, Ber- lin Museum ; Toilet of Herse, Copenhagen Gallery ; Return from the Chase, Christi- aiiia Gallery. Immerzeel, iii. 178 ; Kramm, vi. 1724. VERLAT, CHARLES, born in Antwerp in 1824. History, portrait, and animal painter, pupil of Antwerp Academy and of Nicaise de Keyser ; studied in Paris, became director of the Weimar Art School in 1869, afterwards professor at Antwerp Academy, and in 1885 was appointed its director. Visited the East in 1875-77. Ranks high as an animal painter. Medals : 3d class, Paris, 1853 ; 2d class, 1855, 1861 ; 1st class, 1878; L. of Honour, 1868. Order of Leopold, 1855 ; Officer, 1866. Works : Godfrey de Bouillon in Sight of Jerusalem (1855) ; Ma- donna ; Mater Dolorosa (1866) ; Marriage at Cana ; Vox Populi, Vox Dei ; Holy Fam- ily (1868) ; The Jews Crying for Barabbas ; Portraits of Himself, of Friedrich Preller (1870), of Franz Liszt (1871), Weimar Mu- seum ; of Grand Duchess of Saxe- Weimar ; 382