Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/438

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VINTAGE animal painter, pupil of Frans Hals ; en- tered the guild in 1649, travelled in 1652-53 through Germany, Switzerland, and France. After his return he painted portraits in the vigorous style of his master. As few pict- ures by him are known, though he was very industrious, it is to be supposed that many of his works pass under the name of Frans Hals. Works : Organ Grinder, Museum, Vienna ; Itinerant Musicians, Old Man's Head, Old Woman's do., Liechtenstein Gal- lery, ib. ; Male and Female Portraits, New York Museum. His son Laurens (1658- 1729) was a landscape and flower painter, pupil of Berchem, whose manner he imitat- ed ; the latter 's son, Vincent Laurensz the younger, born in Haarlem, June 10, 1686, died there, May 16, 1742, painted the same subjects. By him : City Hall of Haarlem (1729), Haarlem Museum. Vincent Jans- zoon van der Vinne (bom in Haarlem, Jan. 31, 1736, died there, Jan. 15, 1811) was a nephew of the last named. By him : Mountainous Land- scape with River, Haarlem Museum. Gaz.desB. Arts (1872), iii. 195 ; Kramm, vi. 380 ; Van der Wil- vi. 477 ; Immerzeel, i: 1767 ; Siret (1883), ii. ligen, 314. VINTAGE FESTIVAL, .dZma-Tadema, Baron T. H. W. a sumptuous Schroder, Paris. Scene in a sumptuous Bacchic Temple, Rome ; in centre, an altar, past which is mov- ing a procession led by a beautiful priest- ess, followed by maidens playing the double pipe, and by dancing girls beating tim- brels ; after these march priests bearing jars of wine. In the court of the temple are more dancers and timbrel-players of both sexes. Painted in 1870 ; Philadelphia Exposition, 1876. Engraved by Aug. Blan- chard. Art Journal (1871), 147, 166 ; (1883), 34. VINTAGE AT MACON, Joseph M. W. Turner, Earl of Yarborough, London ; can- vas. Festival at the opening of the Vintage at Macou, France. Male and female vintagers . dancing under a group of trees on a terraced hill-side overlooking a wide champaign, with a smooth river flowing towasds the left ; in the mid-distance, a bridge connecting the two parts of the town, which lie on opposite sides. One of Turner's best pictures ; re- calls Claude and Poussin. Royal Academy, 1803. Athen., Jan., 1875, 90 ; Waagen, Art Treasures, iv. 70 ; Hamerton, Life. VINTON, FREDERICK PORTER, born at Bangor, Me., in 1846. Figure and por- trait painter, pupil of W. M. Hunt in Bos- ton ; in 1875 of Bonnat in Paris ; in 1876 of Duveneck, Dietz, and Wagner, in Munich ; and later of Jean Paul Laurens. Associate of the National Academy, New York. Stu- dio in Boston. Works : Celestina (1875) ; Italian Girl, Head of Neapolitan Boy, Head of Old French Peasant Woman (1878) ; French Peasant Woman, T. B. Clarke, New York ; Portraits of S. H. Russell (1880), Wendell Phillips (1882) ; Street in Toledo Spain (1884) ; Portrait, T. G. Appleton, Boston. VIOLANTE, Palma Vecchio, Vienna Mu- seum ; wood, H. 1 ft. 6 in. x 1 ft. 3 in. Bust of a beautiful girl, with rich tresses falling upon her neck ; dressed in blue bodice, showing plaited chemisette, and yeUow bro- cade sleeves. Same figure, holding a palm, in Palma's Madonna (attributed to Giorgi- one) at Madrid. From collection of Paolo del Sera. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 480 ; Boschi- ni, Carta del Navegar, 368. VIOLINIST (Violinista or Suonatore), Raphael, Palazzo Sciarra-Colonna, Rome ; wood, dated 1518. Bust of a youth, about twenty years old, three-quarters face, wear- ing a black cap, from which his brown hair falls on his shoulders, and a green mantle, trimmed with black velvet, with a fur col- lar ; holds in left hand a violin bow and some laurel leaves and immortelles. Passa- vant believes it a portrait of Andrea Ma- rone, a famous improvisators of Brescia in time of Leo X. Engraved by J. Felsing. Passavant, ii. 275 ; Miintz, 532, 536 ; Springer, 211. 374