Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/442

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VIEGIN Raphael, i. 141 ; Giornale di Enid. Tosc., 235 ; Gruyer, Vierges de Eaphael, ii. 549 ; Miintz, 64 ; Passavant, ii. 12 ; Larousse, v. 363. By Raphael, Giulio Eomano, and H Fat- tore, Vatican ; wood, H. 10 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. 8 in. In upper part, Christ crowning the Virgin in the heavens ; in lower, apostles around the tomb of the Virgin. Ordered of Eaphael in 1505 for the Convent of Monte Luce, near Perugia, but he had time to make only the study for it. Upper part finished, after Eaphael's death, by Giulio Eomano, lower by H Fattore. Carried to Paris in 1797 ; returned in 1815 and placed in Vatican. Engraved by J. Cappelh'. Pungileone, Eaphael, 192 ; Passavant, ii. 309 ; C. & C., Eaphael, i. 235 ; Gruyer, Vierges de Eaphael, ii. 570. By Rubens, Brussels Museum ; canvas, H. 12 ft. 11 in. x 8 ft, 2 in. The Virgin, kneeling upon an inverted crescent, with angels in clouds beneath, is crowned by the Father and the Son. Painted for Church of Eecollets, Antwerp. Carried to Paris, 1794 ; given to Museum of Brussels in 1802. Engraved by P. Pontius ; Van den Enden. Eeplica, with variations, Berlin Mu- seum ; another, burned in 1718 in Church of Jesuits, Antwerp. Smith, ii. 15 ; ix. 247 ; Meyer, Museen, 388 ; Larousse, v. 364 By Lo Spagna, Church of Eiformati, Todi. Above, Saviour crowns Virgin under a can- opy, in centre of a company of angels, proph- ets, and sibyls ; below, SS. Jerome, Louis, Bernardino, John Baptist, and others. Imi- tated, with changes, from Florentine altar- piece at Narni. Painted in 1511. Eeplica (1511), with changes, S. Martino, near Trevi ; Magdalen and St. Catharine introduced be- low, and view of S. Francesco at Assisi in background. C. & C., Italy, iii. 310, 312 Vasari, ed. Mil., i. 594. By Tintoretto, S. Giorgio Maggiore, Ven- ice ; canvas. Above, the Virgin is crowned below are SS. Benedetto, Gregorio, Placido, Mauro, and five portraits. Zanotto, 631. By Velasquez, Madrid Museum ; canvas. H. 5 ft. 9 in. x 4 ft. 4 in. The Virgin, en- ihroned in clouds, with her robe upheld by

wo cherubs, is about to be crowned by the

Father and the Son, while above hovers

he dove ; beneath are four winged heads.

Painted, probably after second visit to Italy, 'or the Queen's oratory in the palace at Ma- drid. Considered the best of his religious pictures. Engraved by Massard ; Nargeot ; tched and lithographed by several. Ma- drazo ; C. Bermudez ; Jameson, Madonna, 23 ; Curtis, 3 ; Eeveil, xiv. 955. Coronation of Virgin, Velasquez, Madrid Museum. Subject treated also by Cosimo Eosselli, S. M. de' Pazzi, Florence, and Louvre, Par- is ; Eidolfo Ghirlandajo, Louvre ; Pinturic- chio, Vatican ; Girolamo da Santa Croce, Berlin Museum ; Giulio Eomano and H Fat- tore, Vatican ; Marco Palmezzano, Brera, Milan ; Girolamo da TJdine, Hospital at Udine ; Paolo Veronese, Venice Academy and Schleissheim Gallery ; Annibale Car- racci, Duke of Newcastle ; Giovanni Lan- franco, Louvre ; Padovanino, Venice Acad- emy ; Carlo Francesco Nuvolone, Passione, Milan ; Juan de Juanes, Madrid Museum ; Hans Memling, Hospital of St. John, Bruges ; 378