Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/453

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VOGEL Zwingli's Return from Berne (1865) ; Death of Gessler (1867). Andresen, ii. 250 ; Kuust- Chronik, xviii. 742 ; Nagler, xx. 495. VOGEL VON VOGELSTEIN, KARL, born at Wildenfels, Saxony, June 26, 1788, died in Munich, March 4, 1868. History and portrait painter, son and pupil of Chris- tian Lebrecht Vogel (1759-1816), and pupil of Dresden Academy ; went in 1807 to Mem- el, Dorpert, and St. Petersburg, where he painted many portraits, and in 1813 to Italy, where he studied and copied after the old masters ; in 1820 he became professor at the Dresden Academy, and in 1824 court painter ; visited London in 1834, Rome again in 1840-42, and Venice in 1851-52 ; resigned his professorship in 1853, and soon after moved to Munich. Member of Berlin, Munich, Vienna, St. Petersburg, and Flor- ence Academies ; ennobled by the King of Saxony in 1831 ; Order of Albrecht, 1853. Works : Temptation of Christ ; Annuncia- tion ; Baptism of Christ ; Susanna justified by Daniel ; Christ Crucified (1821), Naum- burg Cathedral ; St. Joseph of Calazans with the School Children ; Raising of Laza- rus ; Madonna, Portrait of the Landscape Painter Miville (1811), Basle Museum ; Dante in his Relation to the Divine Com- edy (1844), Palazzo Crocetta, Florence ; Christian Martyr Perpetua in Prison ; Frau- cesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta ; Fran- cesca at the Bath (1845-46) ; Scenes from Goethe's Faust (1852) ; replica, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Portraits of Pope Pius VH (1817), Kings Frederic August (1823) and John (1832) of Saxony, Dresden Gallery ; Lud- wig Tieck, National Gallery, Berlin ; do. (1834), and King Frederic August H, Leip- sic Museum ; Portrait of himself, Uffizi, Florence ; Thorwaldsen ; Lucien Bonaparte. In fresco : Ten Scenes in Life of the Virgin (1826-29), Royal Chapel, Pillnitz. Andre- sen, ii. 101 ; Elustr. Zeitg. (1868), i. 267 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 232 ; Nagler, xx. 481. VOILLEMOT, ANDRfi CHARLES, born in Paris, Dec. 13, 1822. Genre painter, pu- pil of Drolling and at the ficole des Beaux Arts. His pictures, mostly ideal subjects, produce a charming effect at a distance, but on a close approach appear heavy in draw- ing and colouring. Medal, 1870 ; L. of Honour, 1870. Works: Zephyr, Cupid, Dream (1859); Gallant Festival, Cupid, Banquet of Stone (1863) ; Youth (1864) ; The Nest (1868) ; Velleda (1869) ; Grass- hopper and Ant (1870); Springtime (1873); Woman with Roses (1874); Twilight (1876); Innocence in Danger (1878); Revery (1880); Recalling the Lovers (1883) ; Fautaisie es- pagnole (1884). Larousse. VOIS, ARIE (Adriaan) DE, born in Ley- den in 1641, died there in 1698 (?). Dutch school ; history, portrait, genre, and land- scape painter, pupil of Nicolas Knupfer in Utrecht and of Abraham van den Tetnpel at Leyden ; further developed under influence of Gerard Dou and Frans van Mieris. He painted, with minute finish, chiefly half- length nude figures, in landscapes after the manner of Poelenburg, animated in concep- tion and clear and warm in colouring. A rich marriage led him into idleness for thir- teen years, until need compelled him to de- vote himself again to art. The pictures of his last period pass for his best. Works : Boy with Book, Bridgewater Gallery, Lon- don ; Woman cutting a Lemon, Two Male Portraits, Louvre ; Jolly Toper, Brussels Museum ; Old Lady, Antwerp Museum ; Huntsman, Hague Museum ; Jolly Fish- Seller, Violinist, A Lady, Peasant Smok- ing, Amsterdam Museum ; Drinker, Cassel Gallery ; Storm at Sea, Brunswick Gallery ; Old Man's Head, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Venus and Adonis (1678), Berlin Muse- um ; Lute Player, Gotha Museum ; Drinker, Smoker, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Man looking into a Mum-Glass, Shepherdess, Landscape with Nude Figures (1666), Dres- den Gallery ; Peasants before their Cottage, Schwerin Gallery. Ch. Blanc, ficole hollan-