Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/470

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WARD shield, preceded by Plague and Famine and torch, dragged on rushes from by Alecto bearing a the open temple of Janus, trampling down the Arts and Sciences in his progress ; Venus, Cybele, and Cupids in vain attempt to restrain his warlike ardour. Carried to Paris ; returned in 1815. En- graved by Avril ; Paradisi. Smith, ii. 150 ; Landon, Musee, iv. PI. 9 ; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, iv. PI. 88. WARD, EDGAE M., born in Urbana, Ohio ; contemporary. Figure and genre painter, younger brother of J. Q. A. Ward, sculptor ; pupil of the National Academy, New York, of the cole des Beaux Arts and of Cabanel, Paris. First exhibited in Na- tional Academy in 1871, and in the Paris Salon in 1876. ' Elected an A.N.A. in 1876 ; N. A. in 1883. Studio in New York. Works: Brittany Washerwomen (1876) ; The Sabot Maker, Venetian Water Carriers, Washing in Brittany (1878) ; Street Scene Treport Horrors of War, Rubens, Palazzo Pitti, Florence. (1879) ; Normandy Cooper (1880) ; Tobacco Field Old Virginny (1881) ; Feeling the Edge (1882) ; Collar Shop (1883), T. B. Clarke, New York ; Street in Treport Normandy (1884) ; The Cobblers, Eesting, The Blessing (1886). WARD, EDWARD MATTHEW, born in London in 1816, died there, Jan. 15, 1879. History painter, pupil of Royal Academy in 1835 ; then worked nearly three years in Rome, and after studying fresco painting under Cornelius at Munich returned to Eng- land and exhibited his Cimabue and Giotto. His Dr. Johnson reading the MS. of the Vi- car of Wake field (1843) first brought him into notice ; elected an A.R.A. in 1846, and R.A. in 1855. In 1852 and later, he executed eight historic pict- ures, six in fresco and two in water-glass, in the corridor of the House of Commons. In the National Gallery are : Dr. Johnson in the Anteroom of Lord Chesterfield (1845), Disgrace of Lord Clarendon (1846), South Sea Bubble (1847), James H. receiving News of Landing of Prince of Orange (1850). Other works : Charlotte Corday led to Ex- ecution (1852) ; Execution of Montrose (1853) ; Last Sleep of Argyll (1854); Ma- rie Antoinette parting with the Dauphin (1856); Na- poleon HL receiving Order of the Garter (1859); Night of Rizzio's Murder (1865) ; Earl of Leicester and Amy Robsart (1866); Landing of Charles II. at Dover (1873); William HI. and Mary re- ceiving the Lords and Com- mons at Whitehall (1874) ; Last Interview between Na- poleon I. and Queen Louisa of Prussia at Tilsit (1877). Cat. Nat. Gal.; Jas. Dafforne, Life, etc. (London, 1879) ; Sandby, ii. 299. WARD, HENRIETTA, born in London in 1832. Genre painter, granddaughter of James Ward, R.A., and wife of Edward M. Ward ; has exhibited at Royal Academy many years. Works : Mary Queen of Scots quitting Stirling (1863); Palissy the Potter (1866); Childhood of Joan of Arc (1867) ; Lady Jane 406