Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/486

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WEGMANN hagen and Dresden Academies at the lat- ter under Dahl ; afterwards travelled in Ger- many, Denmark, France, Switzerland, and North Italy. Saxon court painter in I860. Works : Fallow Deer (1847), National Gal- lery, Berlin ; Prairie Fire in America (1846), Stags crossing Water (1855), Dresden Gal- lery ; Principal Christian Feasts at Seasons. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 991. WEGMANN, BEETHA, born at Soglio, Switzerland, Dec. 16, 1847. Genre and por- trait painter, pupil in Copenhagen of Fred- erik Helsted and Frederik Christian Lund ; went in 1867 to Munich, and there studied under Lindenschmit and Kurzbauer, having meanwhile spent a year in Florence ; then visited Paris. Mention honourable, 1880 ; 3d class medal, 1882 ; Thorvaldsen medal, Copenhagen. Works: Sick Child (1873); Widow with her Child (1877) ; Portrait of her Sister (1882) ; Artist's Studio, Young Mother with her Child in a Garden (1883) ; Portrait of herself (1885). Sig. Milller, 369. WEGUELIN, J. R, born in England ; contemporary. Genre painter, exhibits at Royal Academy and at Grosvenor Gallery. Works : Tired Dancer (1879) ; The Vintage (1880) ; The Fishers, Eoman Acrobat (1881) ; Evoii Bacche, Habet ! Feast of Flora (1882) ; Maidens' Eace, Libation to the Nymph, A Secret (1883) ; Herodias and her Daughter, The Bath (1884) ; Swing Feast, An Egyptian Difficulty in Time of Augustus (1885) ; Ob- sequies of an Egyptian Cat, Summer After- noon, The Fair Girl (1886). WEIEB, JACOB, born in Hamburg (?), died there, May 8, 1670. German school ; history and genre painter, mentioned as master of the Maleramt at Hamburg in 1648. His works are extremely rare. Works : Crucifixion, Falcon Chase, Schwe- rin Gallery ; Crucifixion, Provinzial Muse- nm, Mtinster ; Capture of a Standard, Ky- burg Gallery, Switzerland. Schlie, 687. WEIGAND, KONEAD, born at Nurem- berg, Dec. 12, 1842. History painter, pu- pil of Munich Academy. Medal, Munich. Works : Eeligious Conversation between Ulrich von Hutten, Franz von Sickingen, and Martin Bucer ; Luther's Entry into Worms (1879); Eobber Knight brought captive into Nuremberg in 1472 (1885). In fresco : Marriage of Albrecht Diirer and Agnes Frey. Miiller, 550 ; D. Eundschau, xx. 460 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xxii. 14. WEIE, JOHN FEEGUSON, born at West Point,N.Y.,Aug. 28, 1841. Subject and portrait painter, son and pupil of Eobert Walter Weir. Visit- ed Europe in 1868 ; in 1869 became di- rector of the Yale School of Fine Arts. Elected N.A in 1866. Studio in New Haven. Works : Culprit Fay ; Christ- mas Bell, D. 0. Mills, New York ; Gun Foundry (1867) ; Forging the Shaft (1868) ; West Point, E. L. Stuart, New York ; The Confessional (1876) ; Venice ; Tapping the Furnace ; An Artist's Studio ; Morning (1881) ; Theological Faculty of Yale College (1882) ; Portrait of S. Wells Williams, Pro- fessor of Chinese Language and Literature at Yale College (1883); A Shimmering Landscape, Pompilia (1886). Sheldon, 175. WEIE, JULIAN ALDEN, born at West Point, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1852. Portrait painter, son and pupil of Eobert Walter Weir, and pupil of GcTome in Paris in 1872-76. Sketched and paint- ed in Spain and Hol- land. One of the founders of the So- ciety of American Artists ; exhibits at Paris Salon and National Academy, New York. Honourable mention, Paris Salon. Studio in New York. Elected AN. A. in 1885, N. A. in 1886. Ideal works : Scene in the Park (1878) ; Good Samaritan (1879) ; Flower- A , 418