Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/511

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WISLICENUS far uiente, Decameron (1836) ; Fisherman's Family in Mid-day Sun ; Scene at a Well near Naples ; Florinde (1852), William H. Webb, New York ; Queen Maria Christina of Spain (1841), Marshal Count Sebastian (1841), Queen Victoria (1842), Duchess of Kent, Versailles Museum. Bellier, ii. 724 ; Kunst-Chronik, viii. 835 ; Laud und Meer (1873), ii. 902 ; Meyer, Gesch., 390 ; Nagler, xxi. 546. WISLICENUS, HERMANN, born at Eisenach, Sept. 20, 1825. History paint- er, pupil of Dresden Academy under Ben- demann and Schnorr ; went in 1853 to Rome, where he was allied with Cornelius and other prominent mas- ters ; after his return in 1857 he lived ten years in Weimar, became professor at the Art School there in 1866, and at the Dils- seldorf Academy in 1868. Works : Abun- dance and Poverty (sketch for curtain in Royal Theatre), Dresden Gallery ; Myth of Prometheus, History of Hercules, Leip- sic Museum ; The Four Seasons (1876-77), National Gallery, Berlin ; Night and its Retinue ; Charity (1857) ; Fancy borne by Dream -Gods, Schack Gallery, Munich ; Ger- mania keeping Watch on the Rhine (1874). In fresco : Religious Subjects, Grand-Ducal Chapel, Weimar ; Cornelia Mother of the Gracchi, Brutus condemning his Sons, Stair- case of Roman House, Leipsic ; Cycle from History of German Empire (1879- ), Kai- serhaus, Goslar. Jordan (1885), ii. 244 ; Kunst-Chronik, it. 376 ; nil. 23 ; xix. 155 ; xx. 4 ; MiiUer, 562 ; Reber (Pecht), ii. 218 ; iii. 326 ; Schack, Meine Gemiildesammlung (1884), 186 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, ii. 181. WISNIESKI, OSKAR, born in Berlin, Dec. 3, 1819. Genre painter, pupil of Ber- lin Academy ; visited North Italy, and re- peatedly Paris. Paints scenes after poets and from history, especially fine costume pictures of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Works : Sophie Charlotte and Leibnitz in Park of Ldtzelburg ; Lady Pat- roness and the Village Poor ; Dance in Open Air ; Wolf Hunt ; Return Home, Page and Country Maid (1881), National Gallery, Berlin. Jordan (1885), ii. 245. WISSING, WILLIAM, born in Amster- dam in 1656, died at Burleigh, near Stamford, England, Sept. 10, 1687. Portrait painter, pupil at The Hague of Dodaens, then studied iu Paris, and lastly in London (1680) under Lely, whose manner he imitated. After Le- ly's death he became the fashionable rival of Kneller, and was appointed by James II. his principal painter. Among his sitters were the Royal Family and the Duke of Monmouth, and he was sent by the King to Holland to paint William and Mary, then Prince and Princess of Orange. Works : Lord Cutts, Duke of Monmouth, Prince George of Denmark, Mary of Modena, Mary IL, National Portrait Gallery, London. Redgrave ; Feuillet de Conches, 62. WIT, JACOB DE, born in Amsterdam in 1 6 95, died there in 1754. Dutch school ; h i s t ory and portrait paint- er, pupil of Al- bert van Spiers and of Jacob van Halen, but formed himself chiefly by study of Rubens and Van Dyck. Painted children with much success, and excelled in repre- senting white marble and other substances en grisaille. His knowledge of anatomy and of perspective enabled him to depict the most difficult foreshortenings on his ceilings in the most natural manner. Works , Ceiling and Wall Paintings, Town Hall, Amsterdam ; Allegory on Science, Museum, ib. ; Sketch for a Ceiling (1744), Haarlem Museum ; Faith, Hope and Charity (1743), Minerva and Four Children, Rotter- 439