Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/519

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WOODFORDE Joint Investment, G. N. Moore, Louisville ; Strictly Confidential (1880) ; Uncle Ned and 1(1882); Neglecting Trade (1883) ; Portrait of Professor Torrey (1884), Vermont Uni- versity ; The Difficult Text, The Jack-o'- Lantern (1885) ; Putting on Airs, The Se- cret (1886). Water-colours : Dull Times (1879) ; Sunday Morning, Poor White, Charles Stewart Smith, New York ; Think- ing it Over, Cup that Cheers (1881) ; Local Reporter (1883) ; First Business Venture, Good Night ! (1884). Sheldon, 109. WOODFORDE, SAMUEL, born at Castle Gary, Somersetshire, in 1703, died at Bo- logna, Italy, July 27, 1817. Portrait and history painter ; student at Royal Academy in 1782, and in Italy in 178G ; elected an A.R.A. in 1800, and R.A. in 1807. Among his principal works are : Calypso lament- ing the Departure of Ulysses, Diana and Nymphs, Charles I. taking leave of his Chil- dren, and Spanish Shepherd and Dog. Sandby, i. 328. WOODS, HENRY, born at Warrington, Lan cashire, April 23, 1846. Genre painter ; pupil of Warrington and South Kensington Art Schools ; be- came a magazine illustrator, and was long attached to the London Graphic; in 1876 accompa- nied his brother-in-law, Luke Fildes, to Ven- ice and has since remained there. Elected an A.R.A. in 1881. Works : Street in Ven- ice, Sunshine (1877) ; Convalescent (1878) ; Venetian Ferry, Street Life in Venice (1879) ; Three Venetian Sketches (1880) ; At the Foot of the Rialto Venice, Gondolier's Courtship (1881); Bargaining for an Old Master (Hoi- brook Gaskell, London), Venetian Fan Seller (1882) ; Preparation for First Communion (1883) ; In the Sun, Zucca Seller in Venice, II mio Traghetto, Venetian Cloisters (1884) ; Cupid's Spell (1885) ; Choosing the Summer Gown, Water-Wheels of Savassa (1886). Art Journal (1886), 97. WOOL-CARDER, Jean Francois Millet, Mrs. Parau Stevens, New York. A woman seated, carding wool ; on each aide, a bas- ket of wool ; in background, a spinning- wheel. Painted in 1862 ; Salon, 1863. WOOTTON, JOHN, born (?), died in Lon- don, January, 1765. Pupil of John Wyck (died 1702), battle painter ; began as a paint- er of race-horses at Newmarket, and later ex- ecuted landscapes and hunting scenes. His horses are well drawn and spirited, but his landscapes are coarse. Works at Blenheim, Althorp, Ditchley, and other country houses. Redgrave ; F. de Conches, 341. WOPFNER, JOSEF, born at Schwaz, Tyrol, March 19, 1843. Genre and land- scape painter, pupil of Piloty in 1869-72, having for years endured great hardships as apprentice to house painters in Munich. In 1872 he first began his studies from nature at the Chiem Lake, whither ho has since returned every summer, and which has furnished the motives for his finest pro- ductions. Works : Wood Interior ; School Children frightened by Boar ; Procession on Stamberg Lake ; Fugitive Alsacians look- ing back upon their Burning Village ; Hansl and Gretl ; Rtlbezahl ; Sehneewittchen ; Diiumling ; Das Lachspassen ; Ave Maria (25 times) ; Going to Baptism ; Going to Communion ; Fishermen Family on Chiem Lake ; Pursuit of Poachers on Chiem Lake (1884). Allgem. K. C., viii. 222, 531 ; ix. 877 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1886), i. 187 ; Kunst- Chronik, xviii. 419 ; xix. 631, 659 ; xx. 279 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xx. 74. WORLD, CREATION OF THE, Raph- ael. See Raphael's Bible. WORMS, ANTON VON. See Woensam. WORMS, JULES, born in Paris, Dec. 16, 1832. Genre painter, pupil of Lafosse. Has travelled in various countries, especial- ly in Spain. Medals: 1867, 1868, and 1869 ; 3d class, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1876. Works : Field Forges, Dragoon courting Nurse (1859) ; Arrest for Debt (1861) ; 447