Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/53

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IlEINIIART men. Painted equally well in fresco and oiL Works : Martyrdom of Jesuit Mission- aries (4), Prague Gallery ; Orpheus charm- ing the Animals, Landscape with Horses, do. with Birds, Nostitz Gallery, Prague ; Altai-piece, St. Peter's, ib.; do., All Saints and St. Jacob's, ib.; Frescos in Crusaders' Church, ib.; do., St. Thomas, St. .iEgidius, Loretto, and Ursulines, ib.; Fall of the Giants, Czeruin Palace, ib.; Battle-Piece, Count Krakowsky-Kolowrat, ib. ; Campo Vaccino in Eome, Golden House of Nero, ib., Dresden Gallery. Dlabacz, ii. 551 ; D. Kunstbl. (1850), 413 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 553 ; Wurzbach, xxv. 202. REINHAET, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, born at Waynesburg, Penn., Aug. 29, 182!), died in Philadelphia, May 3, 1885. Por- trait, genre, and history painter, studied iu Diisseldorf, Paris, and Rome in 1850-53 ; went in 18G1 to England, whence he re- turned to America in 18G8 and travelled in the South and West. Elected an A.N.A. in 1872. Works : Cleopatra (1865); After the Crucifixion (1875) ; Katrina Van Tassel, Pocahoutas (1878) ; Nymphs of the Wood (1879) ; Captain Kidd and the Governor, Baby Mine (1884). Portraits: Princess of W T ales ; Countess of Portsmouth ; Lady Fane Tempest ; Lord Brougham ; Carlyle ; Tennyson ; Charles O'Couor ; Chief Jus- tice Daly ; Bishop Mcllvaiue ; John Phil- lips, R.A. REINHART, CHARLES STANLEY, born at Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1844. Genre painter, studied in Paris and at the Royal Academy, Munich, under Professors Strey- hiiber and Otto. Has drawn illustrations for several American periodicals, and exhib- ited works in oil, water-colour, and black and white, at the National Academy in New York, where his professional life has chiefly been passed. Member of art clubs in Mu- nich, Pittsburgh, and New York. Studio in Paris, 1882-86. Works in oil : Clearing Up, Caught Napping (1875) ; Reconnoitring (1876); Rebuke (1877) ; September Morn- ing (1879) ; Old Life-Boat (1880) ; Coast of Normandy (1882) ; In a Garden (1883) ; Mussel Fisherwoman, Flats at Villerville (1884) ; Sunday (1885) ; English Garden, Fisherman of Villerville (1886). Water- colours : Gathering Wood, Close of Day (1877) ; At the Ferry (1878). REINHART, (JOHANN) CHRISTIAN. bom near Hof, Franconia, Jan. 24, 1761, died in Rome, June 8, 1847. Land- scape and animal painter, pupil in Leipsic of Oeser, and in Dresden . of Klengel ; after painting for Duke of Meiningen, went in 1789 to Rome, where he was allied with Koch, Carsteus, Fernow, Voogd, and Wagner ; visited Naples in 1804-5, made excavations at Ostia in 1810- 11, and became member of Berlin Academy in 1810, of Accadcmia S. Luca in Koine in 1813, and of Munich Academy in 1830. Works : Landscape with Cain and Abel, do. with Story of Queen Hypsipyle, Stiidel Gal- lery, Frankfort ; Storm Landscape (1824) ; Landscape with Psyche (1829), Leipsic Mu- seum ; Four Views near Rome (two dated 1836, 1846), New Piuakothek, Munich; Ideal Landscape, Gotha Gallery ; Acqua Acetosa near Rome, Landscape with Castle, do. with Bathers, Kohlrausch Collection, Hanover ; Storm Landscape, Stuttgart Mu- seum ; eight Historical Landscapes (1825), Villa Massimi, Rome. Andresen, i. 177 ; Forster, iv. 81 ; Goethe, Winckelmaun, it- 172 ; Kugler, kL Schr., iii. 46 ; Nagler, xil 399 ; Riegel, Gesch. des Wiederauflebens der d. K., 123, 334 ; Zeitechr. f. b. K, xviii. 67. REINHOLD, FRD3DRICH PHILIPP, born at Gera in 1779, died in Vienna, April 22, 1840. Landscape painter, first instruct- ed in Dresden, then pupil of Vienna Acad- emy, and the head of a numerous family of artists; painted at first history and por-