Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/557

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SUPPLEMENT HAANEN, CECIL VAN, bora in Vienna, in November, 1844. Genre painter, son of and first instructed by liemy van Haanen, then pupil of Vienna Academy, and for six years in Antwerp of Van Lerius and Verlat ; having for six months been employed in London as draughtsman for leading maga- zines, he visited Venice in 1873 and was greatly influenced by Passini, and this, in connection with Pettenkofen's advice, im- parted a new stamp to his style. He is a brilliant colourist, with a broad and vigorous touch and a fine faculty for composing and placing his figures. Medals : Paris, 3d class, 1876 ; 2d class, 1878. Works : The Bead Stringers (1876) ; A Water Carrier, A Street Wrangle (1877) ; The First Dip (1880) ; Luncheon Time in a Venetian Sar- toria, Cobbler's Shop (1881) ; Gypsy Girl, Mask Shop in Venice (1882) ; Afternoon Coffee (1883); Death of Juliet (1884). Mag. of Art, x. 1. HALKETT, FRANCOIS (JOSEPH CLE- MENT), born at Brussels ; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Jules Lefi-bvre, Gustave Boulanger, and Portaels. Medal, 3d class, Paris, 1886. Works : Joueuse d'osselets, A Nun (1883) ; Under the Fir Trees (1884) ; Candy Sorters, Interior of a Candy Shop (1885) ; In the Fir Forest, Souvenir of the Dune (1886). HAQUETTE, GEORGES, born in Paris; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of A Millet and of Cabanel. Medal, 3d class, 1880. Works : Scene at Pollet near Di- eppe (1878); Francine's Muft', Interior at Pollet (1879) ; Wandering Musicians in a Cabaret, Fish Dealer at Dieppe (1880) ; In- terior of la more Panotte, Pore Mazure (1881) ; Departure for Newfoundland, At the Wharf (1882) ; Le salut au Calvaire, A Baptism (1884) ; Landing from Fishing, A Wind Squall (1885) ; Man of the Sea (1886). HASLUND, OTTO, born in Copenhagen, Nov. 4, 1842. Landscape, animal, and fig- ure painter, first instructed by Frederik Helsted (1809-75), then pupil of Copen- hagen Academy, of Roed, Marstrand, Si- monsen, and Skovgaard ; won a prize in 1871, and went to Italy in 1873. Works : Landscape with Sheep (1867) ; Old Horse seeking Shelter behind Boat (1868) ; Land- scapes and Animal-Pieces (1869-71) ; Re- turn from Market (1871) ; Donkeys on the Road in Ischia (1874) ; Roman Abbot smoking clandestinely (1875) ; Monk start- ing out in Rainy Weather (1878); Milk- maids assisting one another in writing to their Lovers, Two Old People keeping Sun- day, Behind a Mill of an Afternoon (1882) ; In Yule-Tide (1883). -Sigurd Muller, 146. HAWKINS, LOUIS WELDEN, born at Stuttgart of English parents ; contempo- rary. Genre painter, pupil of Bouguereau, Jules Lefcbvre, and Boulanger. Medal, 3d class, 1881. Works : Potato Harvest, The Orphans (1881) ; Lavatory at Gri-s, Peasant Woman and Geese (1882) ; Fisherman's Mother, Evening (1883) ; Poor People (1884).


works : Orpheline, Solitude (1886). At the Morgan sale, New York, 1886, were sold the following : Sleeping Nymph, $2,075 ; Re- pose, $3,100 ; Fabiola (heroine of Cardinal Wiseman's story of same name), $4,100 ; La Source (Salon, 1881), $10,100, Walter Watson, Montreal, Canada. JACOMIN, MARIE FERDINAND, born in Paris ; contemporary. Landscape painter, son and pupil of Jean Marie Jacomin (1789- 1858). Medal, 3d class, 1883. Works: End of a Winter Day (1880) ; View in Forest of Saint-Germain (1881, 1884, 1885) ; do. in Forest of Marly (1881, 1882, 1883, 1886). Bellier, i. 809.

  • JACQUEMART, N^LIE (voL ii., p. 328,

line 10). For Drury read Dimiy.

  • KNAUS, LUDWIG. Add to works:

The Witch, George L Seney, New York. At the Morgan sale, New York, 1886, were sold the following : A Farmer's Daughter (1884), $2,300 ; Young Satyr, *3,150 ; St Martin's Day (1877), $5,700 ; Hunter's Re- past (1867), $16,400, Mrs. Arnott, Elmira, N. Y. ; Country Store (1883), *10,400, S. P. Avery, New York. 1-1