Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/72

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RICHARDSON On the Wissahickon, Indian Summer, C. P. j Huntington, New York ; Portsmouth Light | New Hampshire, J. J. Astor, ib.; Forest, Wissahickon, Land's End Cornwall, G. Whitney, Philadelphia ; Atlantic Coast, Fair- man Rogers, ib. ; Narragansett Pier, K. C. Taft, Providence ; Sea Shore, Charles Par- sons, St. Louis; do., Daniel Catlin, ib.; Trebar with Strand Cornwall (1881) ; G. Schwabe, Henley on Thames ; Marine View (1882) ; On the Coast of New Jersey (1883), Corcoran Gallery, Washington ; Wild New England Shore (1884); Trevalga Head- Cornwall, England (1885); Summit of Mount Tacoma (1886). Water-colours : 47 Land- scapes and Marine Views (1871-76), Metro- politan Museum, New York ; Marine At- lantic City, T. B. Clarke, New York ; South- west Point Conanicut ; Gooseberry Island Newport ; Gull Kock ib., Limits of the Unresting Sea (1884). EICHARDSON, JONATHAN, born in 1665, died in London, May 28, 1745. Por- trait painter, pupil of John Riley ; ranked, after the death of Kneller and Dahl, at the head of his profession. His heads are in- dividual and characteristic, but his full- lengths are weak. Among his best known portraits are those of Anne Oldfield, Pope, Prior, Steele, Vertue, and Lord Chancellor Talbot, National Portrait Gallery, London ; Pope and his Dog Bounce, Lord Lyttleton. He was also distinguished as the author of " An Essay on the whole Art of Criticism in rela- tion to Painting " (1719), " An Argument in be- half of the Science of a Connoisseur" (1719), and other works. His son, Jonathan (1694-1771), was an amateur portrait painter and often assisted him in his labours. Redgrave ; F. de Conches, 84 ; Portfolio (1872), 66. RICHMOND, GEORGE, born in 1809. Portrait painter, pupil of Royal Academy ; elected an A.R.A. in 1857, and R.A. in 1867. Has painted a few ideal pictures, such as Christ's Agony in the Garden (1858), and Scene from Comus (1864), but he owes his reputation to his more than 3,000 por- traits, among which are those of the Earl of Elgin (1860), Bish- op of Oxford, Duke of Buccleugh (1865), Dr. Keble, Sir R. H. Inglis, Sir Moses Montefiore (1875) ; Earl Granville, Bishop of Carlisle, Marchion- ess of Salisbury (1877). RICHMOND, WILLIAM B.; contempo- rary. History and portrait painter, and sculptor, son of George Richmond, and pu- pil of Sir Frederick Leighton. Gold medal, Berlin, 1886. Works : Electra at Tomb of Agamemnon (1877) ; Phidyle, Sarpedon (1879) ; Calves, Song of Miriam (1880) ; Be- hold the Bridegroom Cometh (1881) ; Re- lease of Prometheus (1882) ; May (1884) ; Audience in Athens during the Representa- tion of the Agamemnon (1885), Birming- ham Gallery ; Cicely Worinald, Hermes (1886). Among his portraits are those of Princess Louise, Gladstone, Darwin, Brown- ing, William Morris, Holman Hunt, and Lord Lyttleton. RICHOMME, JULES, born in Paris, Sept. 9, 1818. His- tory and portrait painter, son of the engraver Joseph Theodore Richom- me, pupil of Droll- ing. Paints relig- ious subjects chief- ly, in a cold and correct style. Med- als : 3d class, 1840 ; 2d class, 1842, 1862, 1863 ; L. of Honour, 1867. Works : Abraham taking Hagar as his Wife (1842) ; St. Sebastian saved by Holy Women (1843) ; Incredulity of St. Thomas (1845) ; Christ appearing to St. Martin, St. Peter's Repentance, Leda (1848);