it is often necessary in order to produce uniform work to size the same with a thin sizing before staining. This size should be very thin, and it is well to wipe it off immediately after applying so as not to have an excess on the surface, thus keeping the stain from striking in and the soft and sappy places from absorbing so much of the stain as to make the finished work spotted.
Where size is used, the stain should be allowed to remain on the surface longer than on the bare wood so as to allow of good penetration before, wiping off. It is not necessary to wipe if care is used in brushing on the stain. Where it is not possible to stain the wood before nailing to the wall, the work should be thoroughly dusted, then puttied. Knife the putty into nail holes or cracks, after which apply the stain. Allow the stain to remain on the surface a short time, then wipe off to even up the work. When hard, sandpaper lightly and apply a shellac or liquid filler. When hard, rub with fine sandpaper or fine steel wool to a smooth, even coat, after which apply varnish, the number of coats depending on specifications.
Cupboards and Pantries. Where cupboards and pantries are to be stained inside on the shelving, inside drawers, etc., they should receive a coat of shellac or good liquid filler over the stain, then a thin coat of hard-drying varnish, one which is not easily affected by heat, otherwise there is danger of warm dishes or other utensils sticking to it.
Floors. Where floors are to be stained and finished, they should be stained and protected according to instructions previously given. Where these instructions have been followed, and as soon as the interior is finished, remove the paper and dust off the floors. If there should be dust from the plastering which cannot be removed with a duster, dampen a cloth with a mixture of half turpentine and half oil and with this remove all the dust and leave the floors clean. Do not have enough of the mixture on the cloth to make