Page:Cyclopedia of Puzzles by Samuel Loyd.pdf/12

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Here is another Rail Road Puzzle, which illustrates a pretty mathematical principle and at the same time points to a moral and adorns a tale which all might ponder over to advantage:

"I am satisfied that some cows have more sense than the average man." soliloquized Casey, in his philosophical way. "My old brindle was standing on the long bridge the other day, placidly looking into the water, when she spied the lightning express, just twice the length of the bridge away from the end, coming at a ninety-mile an hour clip. Now. She did not waste the forty-eleven-millionth part of a second in idle speculation; she just made a dash towards the advancing train and saved herself by the narrow margin of one foot, whereas, if she had followed the human instinct of running away from the train, three inches of her rear would have been caught on the bridge!"

"It would be a great thing if some procrastinators, who never can make up their minds one way or the other, were placed in the position of my old brindle cow, so they had to think quick!

"It is a pretty problem to reckon the gait of that cow. And to tell how far she was standing from the middle of the long bridge! Can you figure it out?"



A term for scolding, backwards read, Will give what all good people dread; A character so base, that none The. epithet would call their own Rail—Liar.

A vessel reversed will give the highest point, and a child's toy. Pot—Lap

Spoil one word with the letters: To Love Ruin. ( Revolution.)

Why is a watch like a river?


My firM.L tfie heart of honest trade . When 'tin judiciously displayed, But. when r tia of its bond Iwrcft,

It then becomes a public theft.

Cypher An^. 19, lb, 5,3, 21, 12,

1, 20. 9, IS, 14.


,14. It is the belief of the ancients that lifirocV souls soar to islands of the blessed

3-S, Ho lias my R. N. as ft mori 0 gram on all his note-paper,

3fi, He brcnjghht orfies to H annals, antelope-, to Carrie,

17. A Psyche in marble he adored m if alive,

3H I am her stupid sister

o'J. Kate can't Ldi a wren cemented. from a wren demented

40 In adjusting the baby-jumpers, I adjusted the baby, so that it full out (A country . 1

41. The calmest man is sometimes made irate, (An iuljand. >

42. Away they went and over the mee -course spun,

43. The sale must commence nt one ti'cjock.

44 Would you bid a cow ur o\

1 ury their [lead:

45. What do you call Mr. Harey? A horse-tamer, 1 call him iA country . )

46 Till: only animal taken vvaa a Kangaroo. (An island.)

47 Tin- moment I walked T pit

  • h roe n rows on the bedpost.

4 k After .singing a "le drum." hag, 0 soldier, your booty. {A lake )

49. The Ojibbeway retired and the Mosquito led on his troops.

JO. They made a hue-and-cry,, btfct xih, of no avail. (A h'l iiirry I

51. You diould see Parepa Rosa crrnn entomological specimens iun> her hand box

52. Socrates eon side redd a warming pan a matchless uffriir

53 King William wrote .1 letter to a hunter.


Fair Bessie promised to bestow Bffy rira upon ha: ioVCCT,

And rmip li! hope that no lark clouds

Arouttd the pair may hover.

Sweet Bessy's age is just eighteen,

01 gold she has ray second,

On bearing off the fovcly pme How many beaux have reckoned.

And now my riddle I'll fuiirlmfe,

Ar l hope you 11 nut me quiz,.

For vchal 1 say is very true—

My whole Par BefvSV is.

Cypher Ans. H. 1 r 14. 4. 19, 15, 13, J.

What pudding makes the foest rn ■ ■ k ole r ' A goo r| bat t rr.

Tom went nut, his dog with him . he went not before, behind . nor on one side of hum, then where did he go? On the either side •

Why was Muses the mnd wicked nmn that ever lived? Because he broke all t lie co mm andm tints at once.

Why are crockery -ware dealers different from other merchants? Because it won't do for them to crack up their gf>'" I Whv is a baby like wheat? Because it is first cradled,, then thrashed and finally becomes the flowBr nf the faiTitly On what toe does a corn never rnnif? The misLlct.oe.

What is 1 he difference between a hungry man and a glut Lull? One '1 1, u 3 to Oat and the uLlier cats too lone.

Where lies tilt path of duty? Through Ulu Custom House.

Why should turtles be pitied? Because tfiaim is a hard case,

Why should > ' tmg knVu-s set good examples? Because young men are so apt to follow 1 hem Whv should the mule sex avoid the tetter A? Because it makes men mean.

Why must chimney-sweep ng lie a very agreeable business: Because

it suits (sou l q every one who tries it.

Wliy is a Jobe less durable than b church bell? Because after it has been told (toll'd) a few times il is warn out.

Why is Ireland likely to become the pchest con ntry in the world? Because its capital is always doubling (Dublin).

W liy should you never tell a man to ink. q back seat? if

you do, brill be likely to take affront.