(1880); Polish Eaftsmen (1881); Carpet Em-
broiderers in Amsterdam (1882). — Miiller,
186 ; lUustr. Zeitg. (1881), ii. 523 ; (1882),
ii. 359 ; (1883), i. 463.
FRIES, BEENHARD, bom at Heidel- berg, May 16, 1820, died in Munich, May 21, 1879. Landscape painter, studied first in Heidelberg, then in Carlsruhe under Koopman, and in 1835-37 at Munich Acad- emy. Lived in Rome in 1838-45, and set- tled at Munich in 1846. Works : Glaciers of Mont Blanc ; Lake of Geneva ; Lake of Como ; Ravine near Nemi ; Neckar Valley ; Landscape in Storm ; View in Heidelberg Garden ; Morning and Evening in Woods of Heidelberg ; Cycle of forty Italian Land- scapes ; Mountain Landscape, Carlsruhe Gallery ; View in Sabine Mountains, Oreto Valley near Palermo, Schack Gallery, Mu- nich ; On Lake Constance, Ziirich Gallery. — Kunst-Chronik, xiv. 638; W. Miiller, Diis- seldf. K, 332.
PRIES, ERNST, born at Heidelberg, June 22, 1801, died in Carlsruhe, Oct. 11, 1833. Landscape painter, pupil in Heidel- berg of Rottmann and in Carlsruhe of Karl Kuntz. Spent four years in Italy (1823-27), then lived in Munich and moved to Carls- ruhe (1831), where he was appointed court- painter. Works : View of Tivoli ; Sorrento with Tasso's House ; Pozzuoli with Bay of Raise ; Cape Misenum ; Landscape in style of Roman Mountains, Cas- tello near Amalfi, Carlsruhe Gallery; Waterfall near Isola di Sora, New Pinakothek, Munich ; Castle at Massa ; View of Heidelberg, do. of Heidelberg Castle (1829), Valmontane (1833), National Gal- lery, Berlin ; View in Sabine Mountains, Leipsic Museum. — AUgem. d. Biogr., viii. 72 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 66.
FRIES, HANS, bom at Freiburg, Switzer- land, in Jan., 1465, died about 1520. Ger- man school; worked in Basle in 1487-88, made city painter in Freiburg (1501), where he painted the Last Judgment in the City Hall and decorated the Episcopal Palace. About 1518 he settled at Berne. His works r show affinity to the schools of Augsburg and Colmar, though generally hard in tone and inharmonious in colour. His contem- poraries ranked him with the greatest Ger- man and Italian masters of his time. Works : Six Scenes from Life of Virgin (1512), Two Scenes from Life of St. John the Baptist, Martyrdom of St. John the Evangelist (1514), Basle Museum ; Four pictures of Saints, Freiburg Museum ; Legend of St. Anthony (1506), Franciscan Monastery, Freiburg ; Madonna (1501), St. Ann, Stig- matization of St. Francis, Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, Virgin going to the Temple, Marriage of the Virgin (1512), Nuremberg Museum. — Allgem. d. Biogr., viii. 73 ; His, Jahrb. f. K., ii. 51 ; W. & W., ii. 483. PRIES, KARL PRIEDRICH, born at Winnweiler, Palatinate, Nov. 20, 1831, died at St. Gallen, Dec. 23, 1871. History painter, pupil of Munich Academy, then of Berdelle, and in Vienna of Rahl. Lived many years in Italy. Works : Wine, Wo- man, and Song (1862); Hercules and Om- phale (1864); Auro Doceo in the Abruzzi ; excellent copies after Titian and Palma Vec- chio. — Kunst-Chronik, vii. 203.
FRES, HANS GABRIEL, born at Skov- gaard, near Hobro, Jutland, Sept. 7, 1839. Landscape painter, pupil of Lund and Kit- tendorf, afterwards of Skovgaard ; visited Dresden and Berlin in 1870, Switzerland and Italy in 1871-72. Works : Summer Day in Jutland (1868), Copenhagen Gallery. —Sigurd Miiller, 106 ; Weilbach, 184.
PRIQUET DE VAUEOZE (Vaux-Rose), JACQUES, born at Troyes (Aube), in 1648, died in Paris, June 25, 1716. French school ; history painter, pupil of S. Bour- don, after whose designs he painted, about 1663, in the gaUery of the Hotel of M. de BretomdlUers. Professor and member of the Academy in 1670. Works : Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (1670), Louvre, Paris ; Moses brought to Pharaoh's Daughter (1673); Daughters of Jethro, Martha and Magda- len at Christ's Feet (1699); Triumph of Thetis, Madonna (1704).— Jal., 620.