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Obſervations on

traveller bears witneſs of a remarkable difference, and I hope the Reader will pardon the compariſon if I affirm the ſame of man himſelf.

That we are all, of every nation and language, the ſons of Adam, we have the teſtimony of God, which to honeſt Hunters (who are generally of the orthodox party) is of ſufficient authority. As to Doubters and Sceptics, I refer them to the ancient Poets, Hiſtorians, and Geographers, who will ſoon ſupply them with innumerable arguments and obſervations which unanſwerably demonſtrate thg novelty of the world, the migration of colonies, the gradual peopling of the earth, and the propagating and ſpreading of the human ſpecies from one and the ſame original; and yet what an incredible and monſtrous variety is riſen among us, in humour and conſtitution, as well as ſhape and colour? Who could imagine the thick-lipped Ethiopian, wool-pated Negroe, the blink-eyed Chineſe, the ſtately Spaniard, and the dapper Frenchman, to be of the ſame parentage? Or, to go no farther than our ownnation